CHAPTER 7-a jealous person part 2 of 3

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elsa's pov

-time skipped-(lunch time)

"hey elsa! can I join you in lunch?"brittany asked"ofcourse"I answered

we sat on our table, and jack went on line for his lunch, me and brittany already have our lunch

"you know, your really...lucky"she said"lucky? lucky for what?"I asked"your lucky that jack loved you,"she said, woah woah what is this?

"why is that?"I asked"he is really cute, handsome, and all the qualities for know a really easy to love"she said"uhh yeah"I fake smile, I really want to pop right now

she just ate her lunch, I excused to her to go to the bathroom and ill see them later in class because after 2 mins. lunch will be over

I looked my self in the mirror and just thinked that brittany liked jack??

I mean its obvious and its making me feel wierd

its like in the movies, your bestfriend steals someone from you, someone that means....everything to you...huh

I maked up my mind to act normal, ill just ask anna for the wierd feeling thingy

as I walked back to my locker I saw brittany and jack having a good time, they were laughing and all that stuffs,while me and jack inthe morning I didnt feel he's havig a good time, ahhh!

I just went to class without let them noticing me, I was sitting at the back for a few minutes,finally jack and brittany is already here, they were sitting right infront of me, jack and brittany havent noticed!?

I just waited for jack to notice me,after a couple of minutes he havent notoced me yet, so I make up my mind and interrupted"ahmm"jack stared at me shocked"oh...elsa! I didnt see you there"he excused, while brittany was giving me a glare, like I hate it!"yeah, you havent noticed that im just at your back, oh yeah its because your HAVING A GOOD TIME"I said, madly

yes! the bell rang, I quickly went out and got to the restroom again

ahhh! why is brittany doing this to me, I mean shes my cousin and bestfriend, well maybe

she's my one and only cousin,we were classmates in middle school, she knew my secrets until now, like I said secrets, I told her I liked jack and she just act THAT SHE DIDNT KNOW?! what a trator?!

I feel really wierd from the inside, I dont know what to do like ughh!

I know?ill just observe jack and brittany for a month and when this feeling is still around ill make the hardest descision, well maybe not the hardest

but it seems like it, I just ....ughh! I went to my locker and noticed jack and brittany....staring at eachother?! well thats too much so I interrupted

"oh jack! brittany, I guess you both are having a good time, am I wrong?"

I said while giving a snob at brittany, I dont know why im doing that

"uhmmm"thats what jack said, he's very speechless, and guilty!!!! wait, why guilty!?

"yeah we are, and also come join us, if YOU WANT"she said and she said the last part loud and clear

"okay, ill join you maybe tonight at jack's house 6:00 p.m. and if I didnt come say im busy, okay?"I said and left

jack's pov

talking to brittany, is a really nice thing, she is nice though, and also hot

wait what?! elsa is what I like,brittany is beautiful inthe inside and the outside

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