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Hi everyone! It's me! It's Ally! That's right! I'm alive! I've missed you all!

Okay, I know I've got some explaining to do, and I'm here to explain. 

Say, where've you been Ally? Everyone thought you got Blaire-ed.

Great question! I almost did, considering my insane stress level. All my plans for those several stories I had (see: Kamikaze Girls, All These Broken Pieces) have all crumbled because of my idiocy (see: signing up for stupid shit at school). The only thing I've been writing is my research paper, school papers, research proposals and essays! Lots of those!

But my mid-terms have just ended, and so I'm back :) I've missed everyone so much. Imagine my surprise when I redownloaded Wattpad onto my phone and saw that people are still reading my little story. I love you all. For serious.

Cool! So, why is this note so important?

Right. SO.

I'm moving Blaire's Body to FicFun. 

Recently, I was contacted by FicFun and made an offer I couldn't refuse (wink). So, I'll be keeping the first five chapters of BB here and moving over to the great community that is FicFun! The good news is that it's still very free, and that it's super easy to make a FicFun account! 

Anywho, I'll be taking down all the other chapters by July 14, so be sure to set up a FicFun account and show me some lovin'!!!! :) I also may or may not be posting bonus chapters up there?? What?? 

Here's the link: https://www.ficfun.com/novel/1962381-Blaire's-Body.html 

Can't wait to see you guys over there!

So, what? You're leaving Wattpad for good now?

Nope! It's only Blaire's Body that will exclusively be on FicFun from now on. But, I do have something exciting in the works! 

I've been planning this beautiful story for about 6 months, in the sparse pockets of time that I have had. This story is something that truly means something to me, and that I want people to read. It's something I care about, and it's something I want to share with all of you.

I'll be updating the link to the story, titled (tentatively) I AM, by July 14 as well, but now I leave you with an excerpt! I really do hope you guys try this story out, because it really is something special. 


A pair of earrings. A pretty dress. A single question.

That is how it starts.

I remember the start as clearly as I do the end, with absolute and undying certainty that it's almost cloying to think about. I remember where I begin, and I remember where I fall apart – but everything in-between, the climax and the turning point, the hues that seep in and then bleed out, the essence of my undoing, all of that is hazy.

It comes and goes in piecemeals and startling epiphanies, in hearsays and frozen snapshots of time. It exists as momentary lapses of memory – a flash of white light, the burn of alcohol, a mop of dark hair. It pieces together gradually with every small detail, and then crumbles at the revelation of more information.

The truth about me is something that everyone seems to know, something that everyone seems to have an opinion on – whether it's a junior from school, or a bespectacled, beer-bellied journalist – everyone knows something. Every time I click an article or open Twitter, I see the vast and varying versions of how I came to end; some laughable and dimensionless, some nauseating and horrendous, but all of them heartbreaking. Everyone knows the quintessence of my destruction, except for myself.

But if there is one thing I know, it is this. 

What'd you guys think? Are you excited as I am? 

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope to see all of you over at Ficfun, and for some support for my new story :)

P.S. I love every single one of you readers. thank you a million.


Hi everyone, chapters of BB are officially off of Wattpad and will exclusively be on FicFun.

Here's the link to my new story, The Truth About Girls. Show me some love <3 


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