Tear Drops

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Days seemed difficult to moved on for Buttons. She felt heavy, depressed and awful. She didn't want see Leoy, she kept ignoring him. She hated watching him with Blue Bell, she forgot to steal strawberries. Her wings slouched, she didn't know why she was being like this. She would just start crying, or would suddenly break down. She often slept on White Fangs back as he strolled the his friend around. She wasn't the usual mischievous trouble maker that Pixie Hollow loved. Though they pretended that they don't. 

"Baby Buttons are you sure your okay?" Lulu had asked her sister once, the little monster just smiled as she nodded her head. 

The once talkative little brat never actually spoke to anyone. Crisps and Vivi felt guilty to talk to her, knowing that Leoy was the reason. And the celebrations held them back. Dash was worrying about Buttons health. It had been a week since she properly ate, she never visited Lay to eat her food, or begged Saturn to give her free coffee. It wasn't Buttons at all that stood before them.

One awfully stressful morning, Buttons opened her locker to get her potion bottles, when she was greeted with a beautiful box and a white rose. She gingerly touched the box feeling the wooden piece. She opened to see buttons of every colour, those sparkly ones she loved that was always on a certain someones shirt.

She wanted to smile but she just couldn't the thought of her remembering him with Blue bell broke her heart. She closed her locker. She shook her head as she softly fluttered away to her class.

Leoy sighed from his hiding place. What was happening to the both of them. He went to class behind the monster. But before they entered the classroom his hand pulled Buttons wrist. She crashed on his chest as she rubbed her nose pouting. She pushed her glasses back.

"Can we, perhaps go steal strawberries?" Leoy smiled nervously rubbing his nape.

"Sure." She smiled but the smiled was robbed soon as Blue Bell came to Leoy. Lacing her arm with his. Buttons stiffened as she pushed him away and went to class. 

She hated to be like this. To not be her crazy self. She was summoned to make decorations at the palace. Along with the sister and friend. She fluttered softly around the palace giving orders here and there when she saw Crisps.

"Crisps, I missed you so much you big fat idiot." She giggled for the first time in a week as she hugged the tanned fairy.

"Awe me to. I'm sorry you know." He pouted hugging his best friend back. Buttons nodded as she flew away in search of Vivi.

"Are you sure Buttons is okay?" Crisps asked his girlfriend who landed next to him. Dash sighed deeply before shaking her head.

"She doesn't know why, and she she is definitely not okay. Look at her. So pale." The big eyed fairy said worried 

"Yah...I wish my dumb brother would understand. Come I'll show you around." Said Crisps pulling Dash with him.

"Vivi, help me this." Lulu kicked her lazy boyfriend.

"damn you, I'm a prince respect you idiot." Vivi growled at her as he started helping the frowning girlfriend of his.

Buttons looked on. She didn't want to disturb them so sigh as she fluttered away. She felt weak and exhausted, her wings seem to fragile to carry her body. She walked her way through the gardens when a flower crown was place on her blond hair. She snapped around to see the familiar face of the man she missed.

"Hey." He whispered as he caressed her chubby pale pink cheeks. Buttons smiled weekly before her eyes stormed with uncontrollable tears. She clutched onto his shirt as she started sobbing. She slid down with him as she fell to the grass with a soft thud.

"Why do I feel sad Leoy? Why do I want you to be with me instead of Blue Bell? Why I'm feeling so down? Why can't I be happy? Why can't I fly properly? Why does my heart hurt? Why am I like this Leoy?" She choked through her sobs burring her her crying face into the valley of his well built chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist not knowing what to do. 

"Hush now, Please don't cry." Leoy whispered but the cries of the little monsters only grew louder and louder. It hurt him to see the girl cry like this and the thought that he had no answer pained him more. After minutes she drifted off to slumber, he carried her bridal style to his room. He place the beautiful fairy on his soft bed.

His heart wrenched at the scene before him, he thought for hours as he sat next to Buttons. She kept mumbling incoherent words as she struggled in her sleep. The giant fairy laid down beside her making her snuggle close to him. He relaxed as she slowly calmed down.

He did realize something. His heart never went crazy when he was with Blue Bell. He looked at the flawless fairy that slept in his embrace. Weak and fragile. Her fairy dust warding off. 

"Leoy what are you doing with that girl?" Blue bells voice boomed inside his chambers. 

"Call off the wedding." Was all Leoy aid looking at the blue haired fairy who stomped her foot and flew off.

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