Shane Lee Yaw... SURPRISE MOTHA F-A! HIS NAME AINT REALLY SHANE DAWSON! HE GOT EXPOSED BY A FAN! -clears throat- anyways, Shane Lee Yaw, who is 29 years old (I think), is a very insecure young man, who criticizes himself for our entertainment, also because he just hates himself for a reason that at least to me is unknown. He is bi, and has a boyfriend named Ryland Adams. He tests out dumb diys, such as chocolate lipstick, and charging his phone with food. He also tries out scary ritual type games with his 2 best friends Drew Monson, and Garret Watts,
often. 2 of my personal favorite quotes of his are:'B**** f me up!' and 'Im a trash can toilet.' Why are they my favorites? Cause sometimes I can relate to both. Most of the time though, its just 1.
Quotes From The Legends of Youtube
HumorHey! Im TacoSalad, or Tabby, whichever name you want to call me is fine. But I was talking to my friend while she was watching youtube, and I got this idea. So, if you like this story, thank her. Also, I literally texted her that I was gonna do it b...