Albertsstuff, aka Albert, Flamingo, or if youre a goof ball like me, Dr. Flimflam, is a young man. I think he is 19 or 20, but he lives in Florida, and has a girlfriend named Lana. Albertsstuff has always been a roblox channel, even though Albert has played other games before. 2 games he has played other then roblox are IMVU, and MovieStarPlanet. My 3 personal favorite quotes of his are:
'I am a woman my name is Dima' 'My name is CARLITO' 'He has bloody diarrhea on his pants.'
Quotes From The Legends of Youtube
HumorHey! Im TacoSalad, or Tabby, whichever name you want to call me is fine. But I was talking to my friend while she was watching youtube, and I got this idea. So, if you like this story, thank her. Also, I literally texted her that I was gonna do it b...