Bye Bye!!!! Traitors!!! (Pt 2)

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Hey!! It's your girl Insanity! Yes, I changed my name... I'm also posting from Ilvermomy! Anyway this part is dedicated to Chim98Chim for being such an awesome reader thanks for reading ❤️

Anyway, I've been watching NCIS and You my dear readers, you make me smile when I read your comments and see you are enjoying my work! You are all awesome! #LifeRocks!

~Harry's POV~

"So you mean... Ron's been being controlled by Dumbledore?"  Hermione asked me, tears in her eyes. 

"Yes... Hermione, I think you can bring the real Ron back!" I smile at her.

"What do you mean?" She looks confused. Shit!

"When you said you couldn't believe you had fallen for him, his eyes turned brown..." I said, slowly.

"But... what am I supposed to do?" She asks with a blank face.

"Ron likes you, you like him... What do you think you should do?" I ask.

"Tell him and ask him out?" She looks at me.

"Yep! Go in and try 'Mione!" I push her towards the door.

"Ok, ok!" She says walking into the room.

I'm going to go sit down... I hope this works... 

~3rd Person w/ Hermione and Ron~

Going inside the room, Hermione sees Ron staring out of the broken window.

"Ron?" She asks, getting the red heads attention.

"What do you want Granger?" He asks, grumbling.

"I-I wanted to know... if you wanted to go to hogsmeet with me?"

"Why would I want to go with you! You threw my sister out of the window!"

"I was defending my best friend! Dammit! I don't know why I even came in here... you don't care about us, I'm leaving..." Hermione says, then she turns around and smirks.

"Hermione! Wait!" The red head yells. Hermione turns around and sees an eye changing Ron Weasley.

"Ron! F-fight it! He's controlling you, please Ron, for me ..." Hermione says, grabbing onto Ron. Ron screams and a blue glow comes out of him and flys out the window.

"W-what happened?" Ron asks, his eyes now brown.

"Ron! You're back!" Hermione yells.

"B-back? What happened?"

"You were being possessed, you helped Dumbledore almost murder Harry and Darca!" Hermione explains, then covers her mouth.

"Darca? As in Darca Malfoy? What does she have to do... Wait, Harry! Is he alright, did I do anything to him?" Ron asks, panicked.

"He's find, oddly enough, Dumbledore threw a dagger at them and they just disappeared only to reappear, at least I know Harry did, with weapons!" Hermione say  to him.

"I gotta go talk to Harry! Tell him I'm sorry! H-he's my best friend."Ron breaks down.

"No need to appologies, Ron, I was the one to figure it out." Harry says appearing in the doorway, he then looks at Hermione. "We need to meet Darca in-front of the Great Hall, she waiting for us so we can get rid of Dumblefuck."

"Ok , let's go, come on, Ron!" Hermione says.

~Darca's POV~

Where is he? Dammit, Harry! What's taking so long! Oh, wait! There he is! Oh, and he's got Hermione and... Weasley? What the fuck? Wait his eyes are brown? I thought they were blue... Come to think of it his eyes were brown last year!

"Darca!' Harry yells, and hugs my waist.

"Hey, Harry!" I smile, then whisper. "What is Weasley doing here?"

"He's here to help, babe. We found out he was possessed and found a way to get him back."

"I'm confused... Did I miss something major?" Weasley asked, then Hermione whisper something into his ear, and his face went red. "Oh, okay... Malfoy, I'm sorry for everything that I have done for the past... who knows how long..."

"I forgive you, Weasley." I say smiling.

AN: Ok so, that's it for this chapter! And I know I said I hated Ron, but I felt bad for doing that to him. I want to know what you think Draca's secret from the last chapter. Please Follow, Comment, and Vote!

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