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Ash glared at the sky. blue.hmm. A good day.he thought. grrrrr. He heard a sound. oh. it was his stomach growling. it has been hours since he had left. Ah.I wish Brock was here. I really miss his foods. thinking of yummy food, he licked his lips. I'm tired. "should we rest pikachu?" he asked his buddy. "pika pika." pikachu nodded. "good" Ash threw down himself on the green grass which was wet.And cool.

" I'm wondering where my friends are now adays." He talked to pikachu, while pikachu listened carefully.

"its been so long since I saw may." Thinking of May gave his heart a little flip.

he closed his eyes and thought about the memories he had with her. The division of the contest ribbon. Her voice. Her smile. Thinking about this cracked a light sad smile on his lips too.

Suddenly he got up to his feet. Pikachu was confused.

"come on pal. we need to get moving"

don't forget to comment and rate u guyz.. thnx..

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