Chapter 4

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I'm at a payphone trying to call home. All of my change I spent on you

I woke up to the melodic voice of Adam Levine coming from somewhere...

Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong. Where are the plans we made for two?

I rolled over to see my phone lit up and the screen showing I had a call and the words 'Louis: The clumsy dancer ;)' on the screen.

If 'Happy Ever After' did exist, I would still be holding you like this. All those fairy tales are full of shit. One more fucking love song, I'll be sick.

I finally answered the phone, knowing my voice would be husky and horrible. "H-Hello"

"HIII" Louis practically yelled down the phone

"Why are you ringing me this early?"

"Well you know I said i'd make it up to you, well here it is... getup and get dressed, put something pretty on but casual, no skirts ok? and I'll be round in 40 minutes" I could hear the grin in his voice as he spoke.

"Someone's excited, aren't they? where are we going?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. it's gonna be awesome" he said very excitedly

"Ok see you in 40. Bye, Lou"

"Bye babe" he said before he hung up

I swung my legs out of bed and went to go and shower.

----- 30 minutes later -----

I was sat at the kitchen table eating some cereal, ready for my day with Louis. I was so excited! I was wearing a pair of maroon chinos and a plain pink t-shirt with a zip up grey hoodie.

I stood up and walked to the mirror by the front door checking my appearance. What I was wearing was simple but I looked ok. I had on some light make up - nothing over the top since I had no idea where we were going and he said to dress 'casual'.

I answered the door to a Louis who had a huge grin on his face. "Hey" he said as I grabbed my bag.

"Hey. Bye mum" I shouted after me as I left the house. He opened the passenger door to the shiny, new, black VW Golf sat on my drive, then went to the other side of the car and got in.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going?" i asked as we pulled out of my road.

"Nope" he said popping the 'p' and smiling at me.

"Fine then" I said, faking hurt and crossing my arms like an annoyed child. he just chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road.

We talked about the X factor mostly on the way to wherever we were going, for about an hour in the car before we pulled up outside West Midland Safari Park, I let out a small squeal and Louis turned to we laughing and smiling.

After we had paid we began to drive around the safari park. The first enclosure had rhinos, wilder beast,antelope, giraffe,zebras and lots of other African animals that you could feed with the food boxes we bought at the entrance.

A giraffe came to eat out of Louis' hand and left his hand covered in spit. Gross. We both cringed and he tried to wipe it on my leg but I stopped him.

After that was the Wallaby enclosure, then the Wolves, then Asian Animals like Buffalo and different types of Deers. Next was Tigers, then Rein-deers, African Wild Dogs, Lions, White Lions. Then it was back onto another road of the first enclosure and round to where there were Elephants and then Camels. And before we knew it the safari part was over.

We found a parking space and got out of the car, heading for the entrance to where there were rides and some more animals like a Reptile house and Aquarium as well as Sea-Lions in a big pool, where you could go and see a show, and Hippos in the river.

When Louis, the big kid that he is, decided he wanted to go on the little train that took you round the edge of the rides and you could see the Hippos properly, so we did. We laughed and joked the whole ride, which lasted about 15 minutes, which earned us some funny looks. I had been here quite a bit when i was younger and was surprised because it was fairly empty, only a few elderly couples and some parents with small children. I brushed this thought off not really caring as it meant we could have more fun and Louis wouldn't get spotted as much.

After the train ride we headed to the desk to buy wrist-bands for all the rides, which Louis insisted on buying, and once we had them we were trying to decide which ride to try first.

"Lets do the rapids and log flume first so we have time to dry off before we eat" he suggested

"Yeah ok lets go" I said excitedly. We linked arms and skipped off towards the rapids. When we got there there was no one waiting so we got straight in a raft and headed off. As we turned the first corner it started to get faster and the raft was wobbling around, not helped by the fact Louis was practically jumping in his seat and we got splashed by a huge wave, soaking us both from head to toe.

We got off the rapids, dripping wet and headed for the log flume.

After going on it four times in a row, because no one was waiting we got off and we were both drenched.

"OMG. I'm getting that picture" Louis laughed out as we got to the kiosk where they sold the pictures. the picture showed Louis half laughing half screaming and we with my eyes shut tight screaming my head off. Louis bought the keyring of it and the picture and I bought the keyring of that picture and printed picture of another one which showed Louis holding onto my waist and us both laughing as we got soaked.

We linked arms and began walking "Where to next m'lady?" Louis said bowing. I thought for a minute before remembering my favourite ride - Black Fly. i went on it for the first time when I was about eight and cried because it was so scary but I went on a few years ago and loved it.

"Black Fly, then the Venom Tower and then lunch?" I asked, Louis agreed and we headed off towards Black Fly. It's a big round ride that spins and swings. All in all - it's awesome!

As we approached it I had the biggest grin on my face and so did he. We were the only ones on it and we were both screaming our heads off.


After going on pretty much every ride and Black Fly and The Venom Tower about 10 times each while still managing to keep our burger, chips, ice cream and candy floss inside us we headed back to the car with our bags. We'd been to the shop and Louis had bought me a big cuddly toy of a Giraffe - my favourite animal - and we had lots of photos, key rings and magnets from different rides we'd been on.

Just before we reached the car we sat on a bench, looking over at all the rides we had conquered today and Louis said "Right, Sophie. We have two options, it's 4 o'clock now and you can either forgive me now and I'll take you home, or I can take you somewhere else if you still aren't ready to forgive me because after your second surprise you most certainly will forgive me." he said, with a huge grin on his face.

"Ooh, that's a tough decision." I said sarcastically "Go home now or spend more time with's a bit of a no brainer" ! said smiling widely

"Okie dokie then, home it is" he said with a wink "Come on you,You're gonna love this"


Video of Black Fly - it's AWSOME!!!!!

From the Moment I Met You (A One Direction/Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now