Chapter Eight

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It was two days after their date, but Shu was still ecstatic.

His relationship with Hazel was finally going somewhere, and he couldn't be happier. It might even be better than winning this week's tournament. And that meant a lot, considering what Beyblade meant to Shu. The shock had worn off, and today he felt more energetic and motivated than ever before. His next match, the semifinal, was tomorrow. He was facing off against Orochi Ginba and his Omni Odax. He wouldn't forget the promise he made to Valt. They would meet in the finals, no matter what. Nothing could stand in the way of Shu when he made a promise, and that was final.

It was early, and the sun was just starting to rise, casting a soft glow over the dew-covered grass. Shu walked from his house to the bey park. He doubted anyone would be up at this time, so he could practice in peace. Some days he didn't feel like talking to any fans or even his friends. And, just as he predicted, the park was empty. Besides the gentle calling of the morning chickadee's, the park was devoid of sound. Just as he liked it.

He took out his red bey. It still shone from Hazel's last polishing. Ever since she did her "check-ups," as he liked to call them, Spryzen spun more smoothly than ever. He loaded his bey into the launcher and performed his first practice launch. He knew that it was far from his last, too.

And launch after launch, Shu continued to practice. He was sweating now, but that wasn't going to stop him. He counted every launch he made. His goal today was one thousand, which took a much longer time than you would think. He was at 743 when he ritually nocked his bey once again. Just like always, everything was a pattern for him. If he could perfectly launch every single time, then he would never have to worry about a mis-launch. He would never get nervous or doubtful. He had every aspect of the game planned out in his mind. But this time, everything was different, and his pattern was thrown out of alignment.

The sun had completely risen by now, so he expected people to be here. That wasn't surprising. This time, he heard Valt's siblings, the twins Toko and Nika.

Nika's voice rang out. "Hey look, it's Shu!"

He didn't think much of it. After this launch, he would greet them. They most likely would stay to watch for a while, but he wouldn't let them distract him. Just like every other day. So he launched. He was too focused to hear the heavy footsteps behind him.

And then his elbow connected hard with someone behind him. He vaguely felt the small person go flying backward. He was launching with full power, after all. But that's not what worried him the most. Shu knew something was wrong instantly. At first, he felt nothing. Then, his shoulder exploded from pain. Dread filled him almost as fast.

No, I can't get injured now. Anytime but now.

He turned around and greeted the twins with a false smile, trying to conceal the pain throbbing in his shoulder.

"Hey, Toko. Nika. Sorry for bumping into you."

"Oh no, it was all my fault. I got too excited," Nika gushed, tears in her eyes. She didn't look hurt, which was good.

"Well, I'm okay. I was just about to finish practice anyways," Shu lied. "I'll see you guys later."

"Aww, we wanted to see you practice," Toko whined. "Maybe we'll see you tomorrow."

"Yup, for sure." Shu smiled at them. He picked up his bey, which never got a chance to spin properly due to his interrupted launch. And he briskly walked away. As soon as he turned his back to the kids, his face transformed into a grimace. The pain was starting to register, and it hurt more by the second. He walked to the hospital immediately. It took everything in him not to let the tears spill from his eyes.

If it was even possible, Shu felt much worse when he got there.

"Your shoulder is dislocated. You can't participate in any activities for at least 2 weeks."

The doctor's words hit him almost harder than his actual injury.

"No, you don't understand. I'm in the Beyblade regional tournament semifinals. I can't just drop out. I've been practicing non-stop. I made a promise..."

"I'm sorry, Shu Kurenai. You are in no condition to participate. That's final."

Shu bit his lip, fighting himself from lashing out.

"Yes doctor," he said, forcing the words out. He stood up hard, causing a painful jolt in his shoulder.

"Careful..." the doctor started to say, but he had already slammed the door. His phone buzzed, and out of habit, he pulled it out and turned the screen on.

Hazel: Where are you? Practice started 28 minutes ago.

Shu almost smiled at her precise numbers. Almost. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth.

Shu: I stayed home today. Didn't feel good, but I'll be better tomorrow.

He hit the "send" button and sighed. He knew he was only delaying the inevitable. He couldn't evade her forever; eventually, she and the entire bey club would figure out. Heck, the whole country would be in shock if one of the Supreme Four didn't attend Nationals.

Stop thinking like that, he chided himself. You'll find a solution. You always do. You have a score to settle. A promise to keep. You can't just drop the ball now.

It was then when he decided that there was no way that he would quit. He would participate in the tournament, even though the doctor said no, even if it injured him further, even if he lost.

Even though he had to lie to his friends.

It's been a while, guys!! I've been so busy. Sorry that this was a filler chapter. I'll try my best to update more often. Cheers! Who else is super excited for Christmas, by the way?? :))

What do you guys think will happen next??

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