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Fiona woke up in shock and proceeded to walk towards the kitchen. She couldn't quite grasp the concept that she was where she was. She waltzed around some to try and find someone, but the house she was in seemed to be completely empty. She figured it must have been a dream, so she walked back to the room and lied down. Fiona stared up at the ceiling trying to remember if this was a dream or not. Soon enough, she heard a door open, and loud, hard footsteps on the wooden floor. She heard a familiar voice saying "Fiona, I'm home!"
She still didn't budge, she just continued staring at the ceiling. Joe walked into the room and looked at her. Sadly, she didn't even notice he had walked in. He bent down over her and tried to catch her attention. She looks up at him and he places a light kiss on her lips. In shock, she starts to try and process what is happening. She looks at him again and asks, "Where am I exactly?" He continues with, "In my cabin, silly."
Fiona looked at him with a very distraught face, she didn't think this was really happening. She wasn't sure if this was good or bad anymore. She looks at the mysterious jazz player once again and asks, "Well would you like to tell me how i got here?" He started looking down as if he was dreading what he was about to say. He lets a small sigh escape his lips and goes on with, "Well babydoll, you died of cancer in your daughter's arms. This is your own hell. Everyday you wake up with no memory of what has happened the week before, the day before, and sometimes even an hour before."
He sees the look on her face and can tell she was not very pleased with that answer. Fiona seemed to never be pleased with anything he did. He kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. He started cooking dinner while Fiona fell asleep in the other room. After dinner was completely finished, he sat two short glasses on the table across from each other and filled it up about ¼ of the way full of rum. He walked into his and Fiona's room and saw her sleeping peacefully, and climbed in on the other side.
He lightly caressed her face with his knuckles and continued to tangle his fingers in her natural golden locks. He proceeded to gently stroke her face slowly down to her arm and over her torso and pulled her in closer. He kissed her passionately on her lips and she woke up in a hesitant surprise. She looked up and saw Joe. He whispered to her, "Good Morning sleepy head." with a little chuckle. She leans over to check the time and it says 7:49pm. She turns back over and says, "So much for mornings, huh?" with a slight giggle. He uncovers himself and walks towards the door. When he reached for the door handle he looked at Fiona and said, "Dinner is ready if you would like some. We are having spaghetti." He proceeds to walk out and Fiona just lays there thinking about what's going on. She gets up and walks over to her wardrobe, puts on her favourite black robe and walks out of the room. As soon as she walks out she can smell the amazing aroma.
She walks to the kitchen and sits at the table, where Joe was already sitting. She looks up to him and back down at the plate. She picks up her fork and plays with the noodles. He looks up at her and sees she's not eating and tells her, "You're going to have to eat something while you're down here." She looks up at him in confusion and asks, "Down where?" I told you, "You died, and you're stuck in hell with me."
"You never told me that." Fiona says in a irritated tone. Joe looks over at her in distraught and hopes that someday she will remember the times they've had together, and most importantly her death.

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