Eating Sugary Candies & Sweets

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Midnight went and got some sugary sweets from random places. Midnight came back to Werewolf Cookie's house and saw no one was around besides Werewolf Cookie, Midday, Dusky, and Alphys. Good thing Aaron wasn't around. "Guys, where's Sans, Papyrus, and Aaron? Its too quiet..." "Sans took Aaron into the village to give him a real workout since Aaron didn't want to shut his mouth." "Ha!" "What's so funny Midnight?" "At least Aaron isn't around to stuff his face with the sugary sweets I just got from the stores around here." "What did you get?" "Candy canes, chocolate, cake, kit-kats, more donuts, and other sweets." "JUST SAYING THAT MAKES MY EYES SPARKLE!!" "Dusky is gonna bury his face in those sugary sweets." "Werewolf Cookie, what are you doing??" "Nothing, why?" "You looked like you were sleeping." "I sorta dozed off... I feel tired today for some reason..." "Oh" "DUSKY!! DUSKY, QUIT EATING ALL THE SUGAR AND SAVE IT FOR LATER!!" "BUT IT TASTES SO GOOD!!" TOO BAD!!" Midnight wanted Dusky to spare the candy and it took a while before Dusky managed to spare the delicious treats. After eating dinner that Alphys made, they each ate a little bit of candy. The only ones who didn't get any candy were Sans, Papyrus, and Aaron since they were out in the village. At least Aaron got his wish but he didn't want to be too buff. Papyrus called Aaron a giant beef cake and Sans called Aaron a giant pony. Aaron kept flexing and being annoying with his creepy winks. Everyone seemed to hate Aaron for his creepy, dirty winks. They found the winks creepy and annoying as who knows what. When Aaron, Sans, and Papyrus came back, they saw sugary sweet crumbs were everywhere and were mad because they didn't get any of the tasty, delicious treats. They were jealous and Sans wouldn't stop making jokes about the sugary sweets which made things worse. Dusky and Werewolf Cookie cleaned up the crumbs but mostly Werewolf Cookie. Dusky was licking the crumbs and the others had to tell him not to even though they knew he loves sugary sweets and candy so much. Oh brother all of them mostly thought. Dusky still licked the crumbs and smiled. He loved sweets so much that he would eat them like crazy. Midday said that she wished Dusky would eat his vegetables fast like the way he ate candy and other sugary sweets. Dusky said he eats his vegetables slowly because he doesn't want to choke but he would sometimes eat them fast. At least he sorta ate vegetables and candy the same way he normally did.

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