Chapter 3

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Too excited to sleep much, Lucille was awake at three in the morning. After a leisurely bath, and dressing in the casual outfit she planned on wearing during their first day of travel, she practically tiptoed into the kitchen. Being as quiet as was possible, she fixed herself a breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and a glass of orange juice. Once eaten and the dishes washed, she looked at the envelope that she would place on the kitchen table once ready to walk out the door.

Tracing the word 'Mama', which stretched across the entire length of the envelope, Lucille sighed. Her heart was with Christine, and there wasn't a doubt in her mind that she wanted to go with her, yet she would certainly miss the few family members she had in Cherrywood. But this wasn't the end. They would write letters, talk on the phone, and plan visits when possible and affordable.

Lucille was just about to return to her bedroom in order to read for a while when her mother entered the kitchen. Heart rate speeding up, she kept her mouth shut, waiting for the older Benson woman to speak first. Dressed in a robe, Alice cocked her scarf covered head to the side while shoving her hands into the front pockets of the thick robe. Of course she asked her daughter why she was up at that hour and fully dressed. Lucille thought about lying, claiming that she had to be at work unusually early, but Alice would see right through that, as the barbecue restaurant didn't open until eleven.

Because she couldn't come up with a decent excuse on the spot, and was a lousy liar anyway, she decided to be truthful. "I'm meeting Chris."

Her mother quizzically glanced toward the clock on the wall. "At this time of morning? Are you two volunteering on a farm somewhere?" Sounding amused, Alice pulled a chair out, taking a seat at the table. Indicating for her daughter to follow suit, Lucille sat across from her, hands resting on the table, fingers linked.

"What's going on, honey?"

Forcing herself to look at her mother, she opened her mouth, willing the words to spill forth. "Chris and I have decided to move. We're going to San Francisco because we've heard that gay people have an easier time there. It's friendly...relatable, and we're weary of hiding. I remember you and Daddy being able to do the simplest things in public like hold hands, share a kiss on the lips, wrap your arms around one another, and I thought you two were so beautiful and warm. Chris and I can't do any of that here. It would be dangerous. I want a chance to be outwardly beautiful and warm with the woman I love." Voice cracking, she softly added, "I think we deserve that."

Alarm raced through Lucille when her mother simply stood up and exited the kitchen without a word. Not certain if she should follow her or not, after deliberating a couple of moments, Lucille selected to stay put. Nearly a minute later, Alice returned, dropping a small brown leather change purse in front of her. Once her mother reclaimed her seat, she was about to inquire about it when instructed to just open. Pulling the zipper back, Lucille gasped upon observing a stack of folded bills.

Widened eyes stared. "Mama, I...what's this?"

For the second time that early morning Alice seemed amused. "Have you forgotten what money looks like?"

"I can't take this." Closing the zipper, she attempted to give the change purse back to her mother, yet Alice refused to accept. "Mama, this is your money, and--"

"Exactly." Alice quickly nodded. "It's my money to do with as I please. And it pleases me to give it to my beloved daughter. I won't starve by your accepting that. It's extra." Reaching across the table, she sandwiched one of Lucille's hands between hers. "I love you and I want you to have it to help you and Christine start your new lives."

"We have money, Mama."

"I would hope so." Alice faintly smiled. "Don't know how you would expect to get from point A to B without funds. With that change purse, you have even more."

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