chapter 12

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You looked outside the window as you were sitting in the police car. You were between two cops who made sure your handcuffs were not loose.

What would happen to Jeff, you wondered. Would he walk into your apartment to find a bunch of cops there who would arrest him? You doubted this however. Jeff was a lot smarter than that. He had lurked around for years without the police even getting close to him so you were positive that wouldn't happen. But still... you felt sad. You weren' t able to see him before leaving.

Would he miss you? Would he try to rescue you? You bit your lip. Of course not, why would he put himself into such a risk for you? You weren't worth that. This wasn't a movie or anything where happy endings exist. No, this was reality, where shit would never stop happening until the very end.

You remembered this early morning where he had told you that he loved you. It was a pretty informal "love ya" but it made you feel special nevertheless. What would happen now? Would he move on like nothing happened? Despite all the odds around you, this fact made you sad the most.

This was the end. You knew you couldn't live a normal life but knowing you were not meant to be happy was painful. You would spend the rest of your life all by yourself in a prison cell, thinking of your first love who would be doing god-knows-what in the shadows of the town. Maybe he would even find someone to replace you with. The thoughts only made you more miserable.

You arrived at the police station and the cops lead you to the entrance, carefully watching every step you made as if they expected you to run off anytime. With handcuffs still on, you followed the tall cop who had questioned you regarding Marie's murder.

The police station seemed very busy, even late in the evening. You could see policemen talking on their communication devices and organizing papers. The walls were painted with a deep green and was pinned with hundreds of notes and pictures. It had a rather civilized and strict atmosphere, even the yellowish lights appeared stern and unwelcoming. The tall cop walked further into the offices until you reached a single closed door.

"Get the documents, Hansen." He told one of the cops that were guarding you from behind.

"Roger that"

With that, the policeman named Hansen walked back towards the offices. The tall cop unlocked the door and you entered the room. It was rather big and dark, with only a single chair at the center. There was a single light  on the ceiling that gave this room a very unpleasant aura.

"Sit down." The tall cop released your handcuffs and pointed at the chair. You obeyed.

The cop named Hansen returned with a bunch of papers and you supposed those were files about you.

"I am inspector Grohams and I believe we have met before."

He was tall and well build and must be around his thirties or forties. His curly brown hair stuck out under his police cap and his reddish face was covered in sweat drops.

"I believe you are aware why you have been brought here, (n)."

You nodded. Of course you did.

"We have met before at your school where your school mate Marie was murdered and of course, you were not present at her time of murder, however..." He squinted his eyes.

"We have found your father dead in his office and the tracks we have found lead to you being the killer."

That was expected, but you never thought it would work that quickly.

"And not only that, but we also found hair strands of Jeff the Killer at the place where Marie's death took hold."

You eyes widened at the mention of his name.

"We also found his hair and yours in the taxi that belonged to the late Robert Somer, who was killed by Jeff with you around."

They found out  about your connection? You felt goosebumps crawl on your skin.

"Another evidence that has lead us to you was Joyce Dawsen, whose dead body was found in your father's car, parked in front of his house. We discovered that she was killed by you and Jeff, and you were also performing sexual activity inside the car."

You eyes went wide in shock. How did they know that?

As if he could read your mind, he answered your question. "We found specimen of his semen along with your vaginal fluids."

He took a step closer towards you and gazed angrily into your eyes.

"I don't know if you are even aware of what you're doing? "

You didn't answer and continued staring at the floor.

"Do you even realize who this man is? He's a mass killer, a monster. Why are you getting involved with someone like him?"

You didn't respond. It was a perfectly legitimate question but he would never understand how you really feel.

"He has influenced you to become a killer, and I don't think you really want to be like that."

No, it wasn't influence he had brought to you. Only realization that you and him were very much alike. A bond and mutual action between you too. Only Jeff can sympathize with you.

"Look... we might be scaring you, but we are only doing this to help you. Tell us where we can find Jeff and we will let you go."

That sounded nice, but you wouldn't sell out Jeff to them. What did they say about wanting to help you? Complete bullshit. Where were all those people that always say they wanted to help you? Your dad, your teachers have said that a million times but they never cared for you. Where were all those people that claimed to be "good"? Where were they when you were suffering all this time? They were nowhere near you. But who was there for you instead? The only person that had shown you care and love was a lunatic serial killer. As crazy as it may sound, only Jeff the killer had been there for you. Only he had tried to make you smile when you had cried. There was no way in hell you would say anything about him.

You glared at Inspector Grohams. Your fierce glare made it clear that you would not tell them anything about Jeff.

Minutes stretched in silence and inspector Grohams seemed to have understood your message. With an exasperated face, he turned to his colleague.

"Get the lightning rod, Melvis."

Melvis' expression turned into one of shock.

"But we can't use it on her! She's still a minor-" He tried to protest.

"I know." Grohams grunted. "But she is the key to find Jeff the Killer. If we want answers then we have to get a little rough with her. It's the only way."

The cop called Melvis didn't appear to approve of Grohams' plan but he nodded anyways. He left and returned with a black stick and handed it to Grohams. Grohams took it out of his hands slowly walked  towards you. You were a little scared of the lightning rod but you did not give up your fierce glare. Grohams was only a step  away from you, holding the lightning rod only a couple of inches away from you-

Suddenly, you heard a loud hissing noise coming from above. All faces looked up but there wasn't anything to see.

"What the hell was that?"

The hissing noise now turned into a soft rumble. Confusing looks were exchanged.

"Inspector! We have an emergency!" A police officer stormed into the room, breathing frantically.

"What happened?"

"Someone set the police station on fire!"


Who could have done that? Maybe you could take advantage of the confusion and try to escape but before you could move any father, Grohams had already grabbed you firmly.

"You're staying with us." He growled.

You gritted your teeth at his words.

You could hear officers barking orders outside the interrogation room. The whole police station was thrown into a commotion. What was happening?

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