Chapter 3.5: Family

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   He remembers walking up the porch steps to the Simmons’ and feeling the ping of nervousness settle in his stomach. This had to be official; Mandy would never let him live any of this down if he didn’t ask for her father’s approval. He raps his knuckles on the screen door twice and breathes in deeply, hoping her father would be somewhat calm. The door wings open and before him, stands Mandy’s father. He’s a few inches taller than Travis and a bit more built but he’s smiling- slightly.

“Evening, Mr. Simmons. I’ve uh, I’ve come to ask for Mandy’s company tonight for a movie and dinner. Uh, I’ll have her home by 11-.”

“Son, breathe.” Clyde steps outside and motions for Travis to sit on one of the two rockers they keep on the porch. He quickly sits down, trying to calm his nerves and buckling knees. “Mandy has told me all about you and your misdemeanors but,” Clyde raises his index finger. “I’ll give you this one chance.” Travis releases out a breath he’d been holding in and chuckles softly to himself.

“Thank you, sir. I promise all that stupid act is behind me.”

“One more thing before I let you see my daughter: take her to the local museum instead of a movie. It’ll mean a whole helluva lot more to her. Still have her home by 11 though.” Clyde smiles and chuckles, standing and walking inside. “C’mon.” Travis follows and stops, gasping softly. Mandy steps down the staircase with her hair in a loose side ponytail, black jeans shielding her legs, and a light blue top he swears brings out her eye color. He’s also sure she purposely wore black converse to match him but he’ll never accuse her. Mandy smiles and stands by him, a soft crimson red fading onto her cheeks. “Go on and be kids, for crying out loud.” Clyde teases before leaving the room. Travis twines his and Mandy’s hands together and they leave, beginning a chapter in their lives.

    Sitting at their current kitchen table, Travis tries to remember why he was ever nervous. Maybe that’s keeping this shitshow of their life together; the way he felt so unsure. Every day since then, he’s been so concerned about keeping Mandy happy but that’s the whole point: he didn’t need to try so damn hard. When they first crossed each other’s paths, he swore an angel whacked him on the side of his head and told him to straighten his act. He had been such a delinquent; causing fires in their old high school bathroom, spray painting cars in the parking lot, and even going as far as to vandalize teacher’s classrooms with whatever material that would stain walls. He didn’t do any type of drug except nicotine if you count cigarettes but that was it; it’s just gotten worse. Daniel steps his way into the kitchen and Travis abandons his thoughts for the moment. “Hey there; sleep alright?”

“For what I could, Travis.” The pre-teen hangs his head a bit low as he sits down across from Travis. “Do you think the others are gone?” Travis slides him an apple.

“I honestly can’t say but no matter what, you’re here now. Eat up and we’ll go back to help.” He offers a small smile before standing up. The sun is barely setting as Travis steps outside to smoke one of his last few cigarettes. One of the other men he was working with earlier is walking over with a grim expression across his face.

“Travis, Jem needs us to collect more firewood from the woodland area behind the community.”

“It’s an easy three man job, Clark-“

“It’s what Jem wants and we need to roll out before the sun fully sets.” Travis sighs and steps out his cigarette. He mumbles curses under his breath before turning to yell at Daniel to stay inside. The boy and him argue softly for a moment but Daniel relents, nodding and disappearing to somewhere inside. Clark motions his hand for Travis to follow him and both men hurriedly step towards the community wood truck. The other men from earlier are sitting in the front seats with Boston pumping from the radio. Clark hands him an axe and a pistol, saying it’s a last resort weapon if they get surrounded.

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