Weird Job?

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Lucy's P.o.v

As The sun rises and reflected upon the sea I was fast asleep in bed Until

"LLUUCCEE!!!"yelled a deep yet charming voice

"I bet I know who that is..." I said to myself quietly and rolling over to my side but as I was about to lift my head up 


I ended up kissing Natsu!But I have to admit Natsus face was priceless I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of his Ruby Red face With his eyes as wide as an owls

"Oooo You to are In llooovvee!!" Said Happy covering his mouth hoping we wouldn't hear him

"SHUT IT CAT OR I'LL PLUCK OUT YOUR HAIR ONE BY ONE!" I snapped pulling one of his little blue hair's out of his Fat little head

"anyway you guys can tell me about this "thing" soon Imma go have a quick shower be right back you guys don't go anywhere " I said cheekily even though I was still half asleep

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