Weird Job part 2

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Natsus p.o.v

I can't believe Lucy Just kissed me....

Wait what am I thinking?! BAD NATSU BAD NATSU BAD BAD BAD!!!

I said in my mind banging my head against the wall I went into Luces Frige to see what she had not much but there was some chocolate cake I desided to grab the cake and sit down until

"Come on flame brain I know your in the open up you asshole!"shouted a Charming frosty voice

Hold your horses Elsa 2.0!"I yelled back opening the door and letting Gray in.

"So Hot head you kissed Lucy huh?"Gray said with a evil Glare twords me

"How did you know you pervert?!" I yelled Coldly At his face

"Well let's just say a little blue cat told me"Gray said crossing his arms with....wait HOW DID HE TAKE HIS SHIRT AND PANTS OFF THAT FAST?!

"Dude how did You do that?!?!"I yelled Looking stunned at his clothes sitting on Lucy's kitchen bench.

"Once a man met a lass he's a gentle one then my heart I'd be glad if he loved me for me...."I heard a sweet melody Eco threwout the house I noticed Lucy walk into her room with her towel around her body and shut the door princess and I snuck twords the doorframe and listened to Lucy's singing

"You say your love is true....And I hope that it will be...I'd be sure if I knew that you loved me for me..."Finished Lucys sentence but then 


NATSU?!? GRAY?!?!"Yelped Lucy Frightendly and covering her chest

"Hey Lucy nice song!"I said trying to change the subject but Lucy saw right threw that one.

"YOU LITT--"Lucy got interrupted by Gray saying

"Look Lucy it's not our fault you had such an amazing voice and we wanted to hear the song..."Finished Gray blushing a light shade of pink and rubbing the back of his neck

"EH?!"said Lucy Amazed "Well if you want to hear the rest I guess it won't hurt to sing it..."Finished Lucy Acting  a little shy...

"HELL YEAH SING FOR US LUCY!"AYE!"Added me and happy Smileing and Making Lucy smile 

as well 

Narrator Sensai p.o.v

As the morning changed to 12:30 in the afternoon Lucy sang to the boys her melody 

"Could I be the one your seeking?....Will I be the one you chose? Can you tell my heart is speaking?My eyes will give you clues!"what you see mabe deceiveing..truth lies underneath the skin...Hope will blossom by believing...The heart that lies within!"Lucy finished her sentence and noticed that Happy,Natsu & Gray were all fast asleep 

"I'll be yours...together we shall always be as one... if you love me for me...."sang Lucy Quitely kissing the two boys each on the forehead and putting her blankets over them the closing the door to leave and head to the guild

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