Contest Winner

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Hey guys I know I'm a bit early but my b'day is tomorrow and I will probably be too busy too post. Anyways the winner is... RAINCLAW26 Too be srs guys only 2 ppl entered XD. ANYWAYS HERE'S THE CHAPTER!

Merry's P.O.V

"So did you hear about Sherlock and Cerys?" Pippin asked us.

"Yeah, dude I sleep in the same room as Cerys- oh god that sounded wrong" Rain laughed

John shook his head saying "I haven't talked to Sherlock for while"

"I heard about it, but I didn't think it was true" I said

"You were in the common room when they fought" Rain said

"Was I?"

"Well at least I think"

"I really don't know why you guys are in Ravenclaw" Pippin laughed highfiving John

"Um well, Hufflepuff's not my division" Rain replied

"Maybe there'll be a reason one day"

"Maybe" She said looking like she knew something I didn't (A/N hinting at the timelord factor friend she's in her 1- I'll stop now)

"C'mon we gotta go to class" I said as we all rushed the English classroom.

John's P.O.V

As we ran to classroom my leg started to hurt

"Oh damn my leg" I muttered while running. Rain turned around concerned

"What'd you say?"

"Damn my leg?"

"No, not yet, it hasn't happened yet, oh god. The army not yet no nonono. " She said shaking her head

"What do you mean-army?"

"You'll find out soon"She smirked as we ran along.

"You're late" Professor McGonagall boomed

"Sorry?" Pippin muttered

"We won't do it again" Rain whispered

"Can I go to First Aid" I asked

"Whatever for?  Professor McGonagall asked

"My leg hurts"

"No, John Hamish Watson stay in class"

So we did mostly out of fear.

Cerys' P.O.V

Sherlock and I walked a different way to P.E. I didn't like it and he was okay at running but we couldn't really do anything else. We were changed for P.E and just walking.

"Sorry about the other day" Sherlock muttered

"You can apologise this is new!" I said sarcastically



"Hang on." He must've seen something. Well that's what it seems like, he just ran off.


"A WATSON" He laughed back

I then walked to P.E by myself.

 John's P.O.V

For science (yes of course for science) our class was spilt up. In one half there was Pip and Merry and on the other half me and Rain. The classes were in different rooms of course.

"About that day" I began

"What day?" Rain asked

"When you told me"

"Oh that day"

"Why me?"

"I trusted you, I already knew you"

"Remember what I said about the parallel dimension?"

"Oh yeah" I nodded

"Ooo parallel dimensions, love them. Hello John" Sherlock barged in saying

"Hi Sherlock"

"Who are you?"

"Um Rain"

"Do I know you?"

"I know you" She said, the reasoning I already know

"Lots of people know my anyway John?"

"Yes?" I replied sheepish

"Can we go for a walk?"


We began to walk

"Rain, I'll see you in class" I said to her before I left

"Okay bye"

"So John" Sherlock began "About the other day, well a few days ago actually but to the point"

"Yeah what" I felt my hands trembling

"Do you-"Sherlock stopped mid-sentence "Hang on girlfriend alert"

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, it's not that weird, calm down"

"It's- you just don't seem like the person"

"What do you mean 'not the person'?"

"I dunno just Sherlock Holmes with a girlfriend, kinda weird"

"Well you can't talk" He laughed

"I don't have a girlfriend"

"Well, you will soon"

"I know Rain says that all the time"

"She's like the doctor right?"

"What do you mean like the doctor?"

"You know 'their kind'"

"But she's the last one- I gotta go tell her"

"Oh sure leave me then"

"We'll talk on Sunday. Are you free?"

"Yes, wat's on for you" Sherlock laughed

"Nothing" I smiled back running to the science room.

"Sherlock, who was that?"  I heard a girl say.

"Just a friend"

"Okay, to P.E then"

"To P.E"

I saw them walking hand in hand to the oval and my heart broke in two.


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