chapter five-The Climb

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"Allison, Wake up" I opened on eye to Vincent shaking me from my curled up position on the large, leather recliner chair on the jet. "We've landed" Vincent nodded towards the exit of the jet which was open. 

"Jesus a little warning would have been nice" I stretched my arms out and Vincent shook his head.

"there she goes again, blasphemy at its finest." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh look who's talking Mr leather motor cycle." I grabbed my suitcase from the storage compartment.  

"You better kick that habit before you meet my padre, he wont be too happy" Vincent grabbed my suitcase from me and proceeded to leaving the jet.

"Can you do me a favor and stop talking to me in Italian because I don't understand a thing" I walked down the stairs in my stiletto heels. God they were disgustingly harsh on the feet.

"mamma mia bella" I'm going to have to teach you Italian if you're going to last a total of five minutes with mi  familia"  Vincent extended a hand out to me and I happily took it. 

"So are you going to tell me where we are yet?"  I could see there were a number of bright lights in the distance.

"bella, you aren't seriously telling me you've never been to New York City before?" I gasped and shook my head and Vincent chuckled before he opened the passenger door of a red Ferrari 458. "What are you waiting for? Get in" Vincent got into the passenger seat. Allison, what have you gotten yourself into?

"What? No motorbike this time?" I crossed my arms and Vincent shrugged.

"I just use the motorbike when I'm interstate, this is one of my real babies" He winked at me as he caressed the steering wheel, not losing eye contact with me as his mouth curled into a cheeky smirk. 

"careful, if you continue stroking your car like that you might end up on my strange addiction" I chuckled and Vincent rolled his eyes. 

"You're sarcasm enthuses me" He said as he turned the ignition of the car on.

"Oh I totally wasn't being sarcastic." He raised an eyebrow before accelerating off the tarmac. "Oh my God It's so cold here" I said as I reached for the seat warming button in front of me. 

"Here, let me." Vincent quickly went to press the button, leading our hands to touch. I couldn't help but concentrate on the smooth silkiness of his tanned skin. I swear I heard a small gasp from him before I heard a growl and the car accelerate. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I observed Vincent constantly checking his rear view mirror. "I know you aren't just checking the mirror because you're a cautious driver."

"Be cool, but there is police behind us." He whispered to me as he grabbed his coat from the back seat, placing it on my lap. "Put it on" He nodded towards the coat. "Now." 

I quickly obliged as Vincent pulled over to the side of the road and the squad car pulled up behind. Vincent rolled down the windows on my side as the policeman approached. Vincent looked steadily ahead. 

"I'm Going to have to see your license and registration" The officer exclaimed. His eyes were shielded by dark sunglasses, dehumanising him immensely.

"Oh come on, I did nothing wrong" Vincent explained with clear annoyance in his voice, still not looking at the officer.

"Vincent, maybe you should calm down" I said quietly. 

"I think you should listen to your lady friend Bonnano"  Vincent's head immediately snapped towards the officer and a cheeky grin grew across both the officer and Vincent's face. The officer removed his sunglasses.

"Oh For Fûck sake Johnny, you scared the shit out of me!" Vincent jokingly hit the front of his steering wheel as both the boys exploded into fits of laughter. "Whats this whole get up?" He looked the officer up and down.

"You know how it is, got to have one boy out in the field" The officer shrugged.

"So this is what my dad has put you up to?" Vincent laughed and shook his head.

"Don't know how permanent it will be brother, see you both back at the shop?" The officer raised an eyebrow as he looked between me and Vincent. 

"You'll definitely be seeing  me" Vincent replied as he looked me up and down. 

"You gonna keep her pent up in your room or something Vinnie?" The officer winked and I spat out the water I was sipping at.

"Not this one, I have a good feeling about her." Vincent looked  me up and down slowly. 

"Should I tell Giuseppe to be expecting guests?" the officer raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, I'm sure my father already knows." They both laughed, leaving me to awkwardly sit in the middle.

"Alright, I'll see you soon bro" The officer reached in the widow and fist-bumped Vincent before walking back to his squad car. Vincent let out a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Put your seatbelt back on." Vincent commented before accelerating back onto the freeway. 

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