Jack Bower

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Jack's Pov

As the fist came down on my face, I closed my eyes to brace the awaiting torture I got every day in highschool from Dudley. For a while, I felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes. A girl with frizzy brown hair was standing protectively in front of me, seemingly having stopped Dudley from hitting me.

"Stupid girl, think you're so strong, eh?" Dudley sneered. I expected the girl to run away but she stood her ground. Dudley seemed shocked as well.
He slammed his fist down, only to be met by a loud crack coming from his fist. Whimpering, he cradled his hand and ran off to the Office. I stood, appalled by how strong this girl was.

Turning around, she introduced herself,"Hi! I'm Hazel!Nice to meet you.. "

I smiled and replied,"Jack." she nodded her head and repeated, "Nice to meet you Jack!"

I grinned, she seemed like a nice girl.


It's been a year since I met Hazel and she has become my bestest (not a word mortal) friend. She was really sweet and taught me self-defense.

Recently, she's been acting even more cheerful which has made me curious. I have asked her before... But she always said it was a surprise.

I really, really hope that the surprise is that I get to meet her boyfriend! She   told me so many things 'bout him that I've grown to admire him.


Quick update guys! Hazel just told me that the surprise was gonna happen today. There's only five minutes left of school and I'm ready to dash out of my seat.

She told me to meet her outside at the school gates...


Oh yes! Time for a surprise! Sprinting out of school, I arrived at the gates before Hazel.


I waited for five minutes before Hazel came out. We chatted for a bit before...

"Hey, so what's my surprise? "I asked,raising my eyebrow cheekily.

She smiled. Opening her mouth to reply, she was interrupted by a Mercedes-Benz driving up into the school. The car door opened and out came a muscular-Chinese-Canadian looking guy.

Without sparing me my answer, she dashed into the, I'm just gonna call him MCC, MCC, knocking him off his feet. I ran to catch up with Hazelas they started kissing infront of the entire school. I grinned, so this is Frank, Hazel's boyfriend.

This is awesome! I actually guessed right! Looking at them, I knew it was a love that would last an eternity.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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