Chapter 3- a coincidence?

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               BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!

The annoying sound wouldn't stop. He must've fallen asleep somehow. Yawning, yoh stopped his alarm and crawled out from his bed. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot and slightly noticeable bags hung from under them.
    It looked like he missed a full nights sleep. "That's strange..." he said to himself. This was a habit he always had. Talking to himself. He knew it wasn't crazy, it's only crazy if you respond. "I've been asleep all night....I was only awake for like a half hour. Why do I look like I haven't slept in a week." Then he remembered the voice. 'It wasn't a dream.' Did that really happen? Did he really had a girl tied up in some cellar miles away? The idea of that just seemed stupid. He just moved here only 3 weeks ago. How could he possibly had a girl tied up, well duct taped to be exact in a really sexual position, so fast?
   He sighed, putting it off his mind. "It's only a dream...and my mind is playing tricks on me. That's all it is." But he wasn't so convinced. He shook his head, brushed his teeth and took a shower. About 5 minutes later he realized that he'd forgotten to take a towel. "God dammit..." he left the shower, leaving a large puddle of wet footprints behind him and rushed to his room. He didn't hear any sounds from the other rooms so maybe his dad and step-bitch had already left.
    Yoh quickly dried himself off, using another towel to clean up His mess and got dressed. The entire process only took him about 30 minutes. He had time to spare before could leave for school.
    He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There weren't anything, just a jug of filtered water. He stared glumly at the empty shelves. "Whatever.." he really didn't care, but some breakfast would be nice.
    Yoh saw no point in being home any longer, so he left off for school. 'I wonder if I'll see Alex..' just the thought of her made him smile. He couldn't understand it himself, why he was so happy just to think about a girl he just met. Sure, she was pretty cute, but he didn't know the first thing about her. Just that she was his age and they were both in the same grade. Maybe he could change that.  Maybe he was gonna ask her to hang out, just to get to know her more and hopefully find out if she's single. 
    It didn't take him long to get to school. His house was only 25 minutes away. He left at 7:30 which means he got there around 7:55. Even though it was so early, there were still a lot kids in there. He started wandering around for a while. yoh already had the entire building memorized.
    The school wasn't as big as he thought, only 2 floors and assuming a few hundred different class rooms. It was like a prison, only here you keep switching cells. Finally he saw her. Alexia was there, walking the opposite direction in the same hall. She was smiling at him.
    Quickly he stopped, looking directly at her. He tilts his head and smiled. "Uh...hey..." Alex stopped and spared him a glance, "hey yoh....why are you here so early?" He quickly glanced at a clock that hung on every corner of his school. It was only 8:10. "Well school starts at 8:30 and I'm here like what...20 minutes before the bell?" She just shrugged her shoulders and looked away. It seemed like something was bothering her.
      "So...." yoh tried an awful attempt to keep the conversation going but somehow it seemed normal. "W-wanna hang out at l-lunch today?" Did he just stutter? He couldn't believe it. 'Why the hell am I this nervous?' Alex smiled weakly, "sure....I was going to the mall anyway so you can come along." When he heard the word mall, he thought maybe she was already going with her other friends.
    First and second flew by. The bell already rang for lunch. He was walking down the science hall since the class he had before was bio. He wondered where would he see her, if she was actually gonna hang out with him. Quickly he made his away to the front of the school and stood under a dying tree and waited for her.
    After a few minutes he saw her walked out the school and over to him. Luckily for yoh, she was alone. He smiled at her softly.  she returned his smile then looked away. He didn't know Alex that well but he knew something was up. "So...ready to go yoh?" He nodded slowly.
   The mall was only 15 minutes away from here. While walking, yoh wondered how to make conversation with her. The ice was already broken but he didn't know what to talk about. "Did you a pick a topic yet?" The question shook him from his thoughts.  He looked at her, "topic.....for?" That made we laugh softly. "For our English essay. C'mon yoh I thought you were paying attention" he chuckled, "I guess I was more focused on listening to you rather than blondie bitch." She laughed again, a little louder this time. "You don't even know the teachers name?" She asked softly. She didn't had the cheerful accent anymore. It seemed like it faded away. "No....I don't even pay much attention to them. I know have math fuck, bio teacher with harpies, miss melody and blondie bitch." 
    Alex hummed thoughtfully. "So you have math, bio, music and English huh." Yoh smiled, " everything okay?" He looked at her with a little concern in his eyes.
   She kept quiet through rest of the way there. Upon reaching the mall, they walked to a door. On the door was a missing person poster. The person on it gave yoh the biggest shock of his life. It was her. The girl from his dream. He examined it closer. Her name was Rihanna Rhy. She was 15 and she's been missing for 2 weeks now. The picture and the description of her matched his dream exactly. Then he noticed that Alex was almost on the verge of teArs. "Alex....?" He looked up at her. She shook her head and sighed. "Hm..?" He pointed at the poster. "You know her?." She answered quickly. "No...I don't." Something about that seemed off but right now that didn't matter.  He dreamed that this girl, Rihanna Rhy was tied up in called a few miles from his house. Nothing about THAT seemed right.


If anyone is actually reading it good..? Should I keep going? Or do I give up on writing? Tell me what you think and I'll see you....IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! BYE BYE!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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