• Chapter One •

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"It's the biggest party of the year Maggie. Scratch that, the decade for crying out loud.  Do you not understand a single thing I'm saying?" Sonya pressed looking at me like I was crazy. No I don't understand because I'm not listening to a damn word you're saying,  I thought smug smiling to myself as I distractedly rummaged through the clothes rack looking for nothing.

"Maggie! " Sonya snapped making me sigh and turn so that I was staring into her annoyed orbs.

"You know parties aren't my scenery Sonya. I don't need to remind you of that do I? " She grimaced looking disappointed and I turned around walking through the pyjamas section of the store. My eyes lingered on the onesies that were tempting to buy but I shook my head knowing summer was here and it would be too hot to wear those to bed or anywhere.

"What about these? " I heard Sonya ask and I turned to see what she was holding up only to choke on my saliva.

"Are you crazy? That's a prostitutes outfit." I exclaimed going red as she smirked shrugging nonchalantly.

"And? Reds a good colour on you. And it's not a prostitutes outfit Maggie, it's just sleepwear in silk. The perfect material. " She smiled and I rolled my eyes at her.

"No. " I said and she groaned stomping her foot like a child. I glared at her childish behaviour hushing her as other people around the store started to stare at us with curiosity but she rolled her eyes, flipping them the bird which made me inwardly groan.

"That's it Maggie. You remember that time in freshman year when Jason Moore was obsessed with you and wouldn't leave you alone to the point where he would sit for hours after school outside your house until your parents called the police but that still didn't stop him from stalking you? " I froze having a bad feeling in my stomach all of a sudden. Sonya looked at me expectantly. I nodded my head slowly warily.

"And remember when I kicked him in the balls and threatened him that if he ever harassed you in any way one more time I was going to cut his dick off balls included and shove them down his throat? " I nodded defeatedly knowing where this is going.

"And remember how happy and relieved you were once you found out the next day that he moved out of town to Washington? Do you remember what you told me after you squeezed me to death with your hug?" She asked giving me a knowing look and I gulped looking down silently cursing myself.

"Well? " Sonya asked impatiently and I groaned.

"That I owed you big time." I whispered in defeat and she grinned widely winking.

"Exactly. Now come on, let's get out of this section and go dress shopping. " She said in victory and pulled my arm towards the dresses. I groaned at her chirpiness and as I stood there with my arms crossed while glaring at the back of Sonya's head. While she was looking through the clothes,  I heard someone yell my name.

"Madeline! Sonya! " My head jerked to where the voice came from and I grinned with humour as I saw Reggie hurrying clumsily to us. Sonya and I shared knowing looks rolling our eyes playfully while Reggie caught up to us stopping for a few seconds to catch her breath. And yes, my full first name was indeed Madeline. I know, cringe.

"I went to the lady holding the sample tray and when I turned back around you guys were gone. " She exclaimed while glaring at us.

"Reggie, we knew that once you tried free food,  then there would be no getting you away from it." Sonya tsked and I chuckled quietly as Reggie blushed a deep red.

"Oh hush Sonya, that's not the point." She mumbled and Sonya rolled her eyes but didn't say anything about it any further.

"Enough talking ladies, let's continue looking for the perfect dress for Maggie." Sonya clapped excitedly and I tried hard not to argue. Reggie's eyes widened as she looked at me with confusion and clarification and I looked at her with a sharp face and she gasped grinning like a chestshire cat but said nothing as she looked through the next rack over.

I whipped my phone out checking if I had any messages but when I saw nothing but a blank screen, I sighed my mood suddenly dropping. Don't be surprised that they haven't replied yet Madeline, don't bother. I ran a hand through my hair and went to Sonya and Reggie who each had at least five dresses each in their hands. They ushered me into the dressing rooms throwing the pile of clothes on top of me before shutting the door. I groaned knowing there was no use in fighting them and tried on the first dress.

After ten minutes of Sonya and Reggie dissing each dress whether it was because it was an ugly colour, or not me, or whatever excuse they had I was ready to give up but saw that I had one last dress to go. I picked it up and my eyes widened at how pretty it was.

It was a rose gold colour and had a heart line top which was strapless. I put it on and gasped softly at how the dress hugged my body accenting my slim waist and bust stopping at just below my mid thigh. There was a thin gold belt that completed the look. I felt like a different person. Hell to it, I looked like a different person and I couldn't help but get a little excited. The knocking on my door snapped me out of my trance and I gulped.

"Maggie you've been in there for centuries now. Come on out or I will knock this door down if I have to." Sonya snapped and I chuckled under my breath.

"Sonya her name is Madeline. M-A-D. Where the hell did you come up with the g? That doesn't even make sense." I could picture Reggie rolling her eyes and I bit back a laugh.

"YOU don't make sense Reggie."

"Oh my, my feelings are hurt. Boo hoo." Reggie said in a monotonous voice and then they bickered back and forth non stop. I opened the door stepping out and my eyes widened when I saw them face to face ready to rip each others hair out.


"It's not my fault you sound like a dying weasel when you laugh!"

"Yeah well if you actually wore decent looking clothes you wouldn't have to hear that laugh as often!"

"Guys look-"

"Oh you are such a bitch!"

"What the fuck? Oh you little conniving little-"

"GUYS! " I yelled making them snap their heads towards me.

"What?" They both snapped but not soon after they both gasped looking me up and down making me roll my eyes.

"Wow Madeline, you look stunning." Reggie said with a bright smile.

"Yeah Maggie, Reggie's right. I'd so screw you if I had a dick." Sonya said and both her and Reggie snickered fist bumping each other. I rolled my eyes. Bloody bipolar of a pair they are.

Not long after, we were walking out of the mall with full hands. After putting the bags in the trunk of the car, we were on our way back to the dorms to get dressed.

"Has the company called you back yet Madeline? " Reggie asked curiously and I sighed, shaking my head.

"No, they haven't."

"Don't worry Maggie, you'll get a call, I can feel it." Sonya said sympathetically but kept her eyes on the road as she was the driver.

"I don't know, it's been a little over a week now." I mumble looking out the window. In case you were wondering what call I was waiting for, it was Vanders Corporation, one of the biggest companies to be running. And the call I was waiting for was for an internship. But so far, no calls have been made. The girls knew not to speak of it anymore so they played music in the background to which I smiled gratefully for.

Anyways this is the official chapter one to A somewhat happy ending! It's been so delayed and I've been so nervous about publishing it but it's finally been done!

Please give feedback about whether I should continue this story, it would be really appreciated ! 💛


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