A warm welcome back

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[sorry about the bad story telling, I'll try and improve them throughout the story :3]
Enjoy! ~(^з^)-♡

It was a very chilly morning that day, people awakening from their slumbers and robins singing their little melodies. It was quite a fine day for Nagisa. Until he was awakened from his peaceful slumber by his companion, Lupro the puppy. I know, I know, it might not sound like one of the most amazing names in the world, but he loved the name that he decided to give it to him anyways.
He was barking frantically at him, since he had school today, or.... Maybe he was just lonely....

"Lupro.... I'm trying to sleep...."


*Nagisa gets up from his bed*

Lupro: *whines and gives him puppy eyes*

*sighs* "okay, okay, I am sorry for shouting at you" *pats his head* "But why did chu wake me up for?"

Lupro: *looks up at the clock*

*he changes, he eats, he eats, he eats..... He gets bitten by Lupro for sleeping again, HE GETS READY HE SAYS BYE TO LUPRO AND LEAVES AND WJAKABAKAB*

And there goes the lil blueberry, off to another day to the e-3 class-

"Bye Lupro! See you later"
*he smiles*

As Lupro gave him a goodbye bark, Nagisa disappeared over the never ending mountains that led up to the e class. The journey there wasn't as easy as you think it would be, since it's a very chilly day today, there's frost over the mountains making it a hiking journey that'll be a great challenge for him to overcome.

*sigh* "Why did it have to be a frosty day today... Why couldn't it have been cold the day before.."

He continued his journey up the hill, overcoming many obstacles one after the other, he was making amazing progress..... Or so to say....

*forever screaming*

It took him days and nights, he even had to camp out in his.... So called tent

"What??? It's a creative idea"

Putting up a blanket as a roof and three sticks to keep in place.... That's... That's all you've got in your bag?

"Mhm" :3

*sigh* as I was saying, he continued up the mountain, yada, yada, yada, until.... He finally reached his destination, the bottom class, e-3 !

*pants* I've finally made it!!! *passes out*

Isogai: Nagisa kun???? Are you okay?

"Oh... Isogai! Long time no see" *smiles*

Isogai: sure has! *helps him up*

"Thanks Isogai! So... Where are the others?"

Isogai: it's early in the morning so, everyone isn't here yet, but i decided to come early so I can greet everyone back to class!

"....a-are you serious....what's the time now....."

Isogai: hmm.... *checks his watch* it's... 6:30 in the morning

"You kidding me...."

Isogai: nope.... Wait.... Nagisa.... Don't tell me Lupro woke you up early this morning again.....


And as from then on, the rest of the class arrived soon after, they all were exhausted after that challenging journey up the hill, it took them less time to get up the hill, because it was becoming a little warmer so some of the frost started to melt a bit making it easier for the rest of the e class to walk up the hill

"Stupid Lupro, stupid Lupro, stupid Lupro......"

Isogai: *pats his back* cmon Nagisa, you know how Lupro is and look, Nakamura, Kaede, Sugino and the rest are coming, cmon! Let's go and say hi to them

*glances over at Isogai* "Fine fine...." But don't expect me to be in the best of moods today... Okay...?"

Isogai: alright, I'll tell them then


When the final person arrived *cough* Okajima everyone started to gossip to each other and tell each other what they were up to on their holidays

Maehara: so then Nagisa, what have you been up to over the holidays?

Nakaruma: probably cross dressing as a girl *smirks*

"N-no I haven't please stop saying stuff about me that's related to me being a girl...."

Nakaruma: okay okay, I'll stop *giggles and whispers to the girls* as if I would *laughs*

Kaede: aww, cmon Nakaruma- san, stop making fun of poor Nagisa

Nakaruma: pfft- as if

Yada: kaede, you know how Nakaruma is like with teasing Nagisa and her feminine side *giggles quietly*

*all the girls whisper and gossip about the subject*

"A-are they talking about m-me.....?"

Isogai: probably, considering that
Nakaruma brought up the subject of you and your so called 'feminine' side

"Hmm......" *pouts*

Marhara: but i gotta admit, you do look kawaii in girls clothing te-he *winks at Nagisa*

Okajima: I have to agree with him there *laughs cheekily*

"Y-your not helping....."

Isogai: oh, don't worry about them Nagisa kun, they are just the pervy duo....

"Lol, true" *giggles a little*

Maehara and Okajima: WE CAN HEAR YOU YA KNOW....

Isogai: oops, my bad *smirks*

Teresaka: HELLO ALL YOU ASSES DOWN THERE!!! *jumps off a tree and falls face flat on the ground*


The pervy duo: *screams and Okajima jumps into Maehara's arms*

Isogai: aww, look at this lil yaoi couple

The pervy duo: NANIIIIIIIIIIIII *insert the omiwa mon shinderu meme here*

*laughs nervously* "hehe....."

As Teresaka entered their conversation their little boy group became more crowded-

Teresaka: the more the merrier!!!!

Yeah... What he said....

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