Justin bieber

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Justin p.o.v

Hey shawty! My name is Justin,Justin Bieber .I know what you think omg the Justin bieber . Yep babe . As you all know
I started my career at the age of 14,it was all cool but everything good has an end , I was taking a walk at the beach with my girlfriend Selena .
She was telling how she loves me and everything .
The only thing I can remember is Selena looking at me in shock . I woke up in the middle of nowhere, I was so thirsty, I wanted BLOOD.  A truck was coming by , I wave my hand at him ,he stopped and ask me where I wanted to go ?I told him in Toronto. He laughed but then realises that I wasn't joking. He told me that we are in South America and blah blah blah. I hoped in ,the first five minutes were so awkward. I broke the silence by  telling him my name ,he looked amused but then told me that Justin bieber died 10 years ago kid.  He must be kidding  right ,I asked him < what year are we?> he said< 2018 ,why?>
Is selena Gomez alive ? I asked worridly
He shook his head and continues she died the same day as Justin and then Miley ... I said< Miley died >
He said with annoyance yeah and  let me continue..
Then ariana ,Demi, Taylor and Katy . I was shook . He continues the scariest and strangest thing is that they died the same week as Justin but just another days. They were all legends.
He must be kidding...
Is Pattie alive?I said
He said you mean Justin mom
I nodded
He said no.
She died commiting sucuide.
I was so angry....
I took him by his collar and threw him outside. I got on top of him

My eyes turned red and my fangs grew, I bit him and drank his blood

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My eyes turned red and my fangs grew, I bit him and drank his blood. I threw his body into the woods ,he was dead .

That's how I became a vampire .

Authors note

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