Life After Khalil

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Starr's pov

ten years later

    Its been ten years since the incident. I've been helping daddy with the store after college. and I've been at events to talk about Khalil. When I finish his  story theres an erie silence then cheers, there for him. I stand there hopping he hears these cheers and I hope he knows there for him. I sometimes see him in daddy's store sweeping. When I do he looks up and waves then he slowly fades like the smell of Mr.Rueben's bbq wings after you walk by . 

   right now Im at home helping mama cook dinner. we've had many conversations about my activism and speeches.  And Khalil      

 me: mama where do you think Khalil would be now if you know he survived?                                 mama: prolly with you workin' at the store or in a relationship with some heffa                               me: MAMA!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                       mama: what its prolly true. but you know you two would've looked cute together.                               me:MAMA!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                           daddy: what you two talking about?*kisses mama's head*                                                                            me: nothin' jus what would happen if Khalil was still alive.                                                                                 daddy: well fo' sur' gon' be workin' at the store.

*time skip*

Its after dinner and were just chillin' in the living room. and my thoughts wander back to Khalil. when I rem inis to the times he was alive and we'd hang out, we did sorta act like a couple but at that time I was with Chris. Me and Chris broke up after we graduated bc we'd be going to different universities and in a different state. I went to Rochester for college and he went to Harvard. His parents paid for everything for his college years. I had a full scholarship for my activism major but had to work a part time job to pay for food. While in college I took both night and day classes and got enough credits to graduate early. After that I went to work for organizations, that helped the families of the young people who were victims of police brutality.  

In the organization we did events and charity. In the events there were activist like me, speaking about their stories and what they did for the community. There was food, drinks and activities for the kids. I worked there for a year and met soo many people who have gone through things similar to me.

I came home because mama was getting sick and daddy needed help with the store. When daddy is not in the store you know he is with mama. Mama has slowly been gettin' better. She's been at home cleaning, cooking and  crocheting. She had a lot of stress on her because of work and Sakani. 

Sakani is now 17 he's a senior and luckily hasn't gotten suspended from school. But when he gets home he's a trouble maker. He leaves his plates where ever he was sitting. He doesn't clean his room. He doesn't do his laundry so I clean it up so mama doesn't have to. 

My life after the incident hasn't been the same but its become my new normal. We've been through a lot but we recovered and are better than ever.

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