[player1 has started a chat]
[madeofmath has joined the chat]
[Heereiam has joined the chat]
[BestBi has joined the chat]

[player1] Sup heteros

[BestBi] Yo Mikey

[madeofmath] Greetings.

[Heereiam] Hey I just read this really good book y'all
[Heereiam] It's about this nature activist. He's really determined to stop his old friend who now runs a huge and very successful company, from cutting down the trees in the forest. He keeps warning him about what's going to happen but the dude like "Nah fam it'll be okay" But turns out, what the nature activist said was true and the forest died out and all the animals had to relocate. And so the owner of the company regretted it, and locked himself away in shame. But this kid who i guess was wandering around or smthn found him, and the guy told him the story and told him that he may have made a mistake, but that the kid can be the one to fix it. And so he gives him seeds, and the kid agrees and tries to save the forest.
[Heereiam] The Lorax is such a good book man.

[player1] Jeremy, what the hell

[Heereiam] What? Can I not express my deep passion for Dr. Suess books?

[player1] Just- why?

[Heereiam] Better question, why not?

[madeofmath] Jeremy, you need to read books for your grade level. It'll help expand your knowledge.

[player1] Listen to the tic-tac, Jer

[Heereiam] Dr. Suess is my grade level, I'm 7 years old
[Heereiam] I'm just very tall for my age

[madeofmath] ...I know for a fact that you are not in high school at seven years old.

[player1] Jeremy, are you high without me? ://

[Heereiam] Probably. I was hanging with Justin and he was hanging with his cousins and they gave me muffins. I don't know if they were normal muffins...

[madeofmath] Drugs are not good for you. They kill brain cells and you need those brain cells to get into a good college and you need to go to a good college to have a good career.

[Heereiam] Are you my dad now??

[BestBi] oof

[player1] Kinky

[Heereiam] I'm kinkshaming

[madeofmath] Technically, I wouldn't be your 'dad' because I am as genderless and as an iPhone.

[Heereiam] Nice

[player1] I'm slowly dying ://

[Heereiam] Oh no, don't do that

[madeofmath] Well, everyone is slowing burning from inside themselves so you are correct in a sense.

[player1] :0 I'm right for once?

[madeofmath] It surprised me too.

[Heereiam] Everything is born to die

[madeofmath] Exactly.

[BestBi] Oh

[player1] I was just being angsty damn

[Heereiam] teen angst ™

[player1] So Rich, hows the life?

[madeofmath] That's not even proper grammar Michael.

[player1] ònó

[Heereiam] Grammar is unimportant

[madeofmath] If you don't use proper grammar, it won't look good on your college application, or any application for that matter.

[Heereiam] Okay M o m

[player1] I .. have no words

[BestBi] I watched a goldfish eat another one alive and I just finished crying so, pretty bad... how about you losers?

[madeofmath] Jeremy, what did we say about pronouns?

[player1] Wow, sorry for your loss Rich..

[Heereiam] I am... sorry? And fine *parental unit

[madeofmath] Thank you

[player1] Hey Jeremy

[Heereiam] I went to the store today and someone said they liked my shirt
[Heereiam] It made me feel good abt myself :)
Oh, ye?

[player1] The background is you :)

[Heereiam] Jesus lord :)

[madeofmath] Atleast Michael is using proper grammar.

[player1] Thanks parental unit uwu

[madeofmath] Your welcome Michael.

[Heereiam] *you're

[player1] Wow Jeremy

[Heereiam] Lmao s u c k i t

[player1] Gladly- imeanwhat

[Heereiam] That's gay

[madeofmath] Stupid autocorrect. Michael, do you need to explain something?

[player1] No :>

[madeofmath] Are you sure?

[Heereiam] Its so cold. I threw an empty jar of peanut butter across my room and it broke my window

[player1] YES IM SURE- and Jeremy what the h e l l

[madeofmath] Why would you break a window? Repairing windows cost a lot of money.

[Heereiam] I didn't m e a n to

[madeofmath] You need to get it replaced. In the meantime, you need to place something in front of the window to make sure nothing gets inside your house.

[Heereiam] I taped a poster over it to hide it from my dad..

[madeofmath] That should work until you get it replaced.

[player1] Yeah, Miah. ur broke ;//

[madeofmath] Unless you broke a bone, you are not actually broken.

[Heereiam] well uh, yesterday I fell and my ankle doesn't bend the way it should anymore-

[player1] jeremy why donT YOU GET MEDICAL HELP

[madeofmath] Jeremy, you need to get that checked out.

[Heereiam] I'm a mess y'all

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