Troyler: The Kiss (One-shot)

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I was bored and felt like writing something, this was the result. I realize it’s pretty shitty but hey you can never have to much troyler fics right? I know a lot of people have written about this moment and I in no way was trying to copy anyone and if it does resemble another fic it’s purely coincidental and I apologize!! xx

We were standing behind the stage waiting to go on. People were bustling about everywhere and I could hear the crowd chanting troyler. Korey was off to the side talking to Tyler and I was aimlessly scrolling through tumblr trying to calm my nerves. I didn’t usually get nervous before any kind of meet up or panel as I was used to them at this point. I had done multiple before and had performed in China by myself for Christ’s sake, but these troyler panels with Tyler always managed to stimulate butterflies  swooping around in my stomach.
“Ready” I looked up and came face to face with Tyler’s cheeky smirk, at the same moment the crowd outside erupted in screams. I laughed running my hands through my hair, a nervous habit of mine

Tyler bumped my shoulder and whispered in my ear “Don’t worry you look amazing”. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t hold back my smile. I had just spent the last week and a half with Tyler in Italy and there was this sort of weird tension building up again. I say again because when I initially met him I sorta, kinda, might have had a huge crush on him. Well can you blame me I didn’t know one gay person back where I lived and we just kind of meshed well together.  We had the same sort of humour, ambitions, hobbies and interests. So it’s not like it was that bizarre that I developed a crush. However that crush had worn away as we had become closer friends and I came to the realisation that that’s all Tyler ever wanted us to be.  But lately he has been giving off a different vibe. During the whole trip despite being with the other guys we always ended up together. He just happened to end up sitting beside me all the time. Whenever we were walking down the street, he always choose to stay with me, even if I was way at the back. He had also been a lot more affectionate, somehow always finding a reason to touch me even if it was just to brush a piece of fluff off my shoulder or fix my hair. Now in hindsight I’m probably reading way too far into too things. Like its Tyler were talking about here, he’s the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, but I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe his feelings had changed.

As we entered the stage a deafening roar erupted and I couldn’t help the enormous smile that took over my face. Tyler greeted the audience, an identical expression upon his own face, and Korey well he just looked straight up terrified. I laughed taking my seat beside Tyler. Korey asked us the usual questions, earning screams and laughs from the hundreds of girls before us. However as the panel neared a close they began chanting “kiss, kiss, kiss” repeatedly and though we tried we could not ignore it. I looked at Tyler and he shrugged in a why not kind of way and my heart jumped. I leaned over whispering into his ear “Will we just fake it?” he nodded so I continued “I’ll place my hand over ours mouths so that can’t see okay?” he smiled and agreed so I began my countdown. “3” the crowd screamed and my heart started beating erratically in my chest. “2” I tried to calm myself down, we weren’t even going to kiss for Christ’s sake. I looked over at Tyler and he was blushing slightly. Suddenly a mischievous idea came over me and I couldn’t help but smirk as I called out 1 and leaned into Tyler. He smiled back leaning in too; the same cheeky look in his eyes.

All of a sudden there was no noise; the stadium went quiet, all I could think about was Tyler’s soft lips on mine. I was surprised to find that he did not even hesitate when my lips landed on his, instantly kissing me back and not just kind of kissing, but kissing as if he wanted to, as if he was enjoying it. Seeing my opportunity I traced my tongue along his bottom lip tugging at it slightly. Now this did shock him as he pulled back slightly. Embarrassed I pulled away looking at him only long enough to see his wide eyes and flushed face. I jumped up, shouted bye and ran off the stage. Once I had reached the back room I made a point of talking to one of the workers so I could avoid Tyler as he would surely want to know what they hell that was all about. I was proven correct when he entered the room immediately scanning over the various faces and landing on me. I refused to look at him trying to act as natural as possible as I discussed my other panels for the day. He frowned and started talking to Korey; I saw my chance and quickly excited the room. Shit, shit, shit I cursed myself for my stupidity, it was meant to be a fake kiss and what do I do? Nearly stick my tongue down his throat. We were friends; friends do not bite their friend’s lips. How was I supposed to explain myself? I groaned aloud placing my head in my hands. “Troye, are you alright” I froze at the sound of Tyler’s voice. Slowly I withdrew my hands revealing my face. “Oh hey Tyler yeah I’m fine, I was just going to go meet Sam so I’ll text you later” I rambled, turning away from him and marvelling at my own acting skills. I felt his hand land on my arm, stopping me from departing. “Hey.. em I wanted to talk about our panel” he said blushing slightly. “Tyler are you blushing” I exclaimed trying to divert the subject. This tactic did not work however as he responded with “Yeah well that’s what happens when your best friend practically makes out with you in front of hundreds of teenage girls with cameras”. My face fell “I’m so sorry Tyler I don’t know what happened I didn’t mean to make things weird I just….” My apology was cut short as Tyler closed the space between us kissing me firmly on the mouth. Instinctively my hand came up, grabbing Tyler’s neck to pull him closer. I could feel him smiling against my lips and my heart did a somersault. “I’ve wanted to do that for months” he said huskily and I just smiled happily down at him “Me too”. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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