The Confrontation

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One glance at the fiery puppet known as 'Torch' would've told you what kind of mood he was in. It wasn't so much in the face, or the way his mouth was hanging open. It was more in the way he smelled, due to his flamethrower being constantly spitting flames. When he was mad, he got shoot-y. The heat radiated off the small puppet almost lethally, and when Leech Woman approached him to try and calm him down, he pointed his flamethrower at her and grunted a warning. For weeks now the puppet had been acting this way, and no one really knew why. Well, they had an idea of why. It was all because of Blade. He had always considered himself the leader of the group, even if he didn't act like it sometimes. Hell, his entire character was suave, mysterious, cool. Most of the time at least. Torch hated it; every single move the puppet made was Hell to him. Torch always wanted to blast his ass when he least expected it, just to watch him yell and run around until he burned up into a crisp. 

The weekly meetings the puppets had were always cut short due to Blade and Torch getting into some sort of fight. Most of the time it would be over nonsensical things, such as who they're going to kill next, what their next plan of action would be. Tensions were high among the group, and the other puppets were starting to go absolutely insane over the two. Pinhead was tasked by Leech Woman to hold Torch still during their meetings, which did not amuse the fiery puppet at all. Tonight, however, was the night Torch had snapped his last straw right in half. The doll had taken offense to the fact that Blade had invited himself into his living space and carved lewd gestures into the walls. Torch was practically fuming as he stormed down the hallway and down the stairs. In the living space was the rest of the group, all sitting around and lounging until they smelled the all too familiar scent of burning plastic and lighter fluid. Blade's cheeky smile quickly turned into an expression of shock as Torch stepped into the room. The puppet wasn't looking to speak business, he was now ready to kill if he had to. In a fit of rage, the flamethrower was pointed at the chair Blade was sitting in, and was torched. Blade leapt from his spot and looked in panic back at the chair, and then at Torch. In that split second, both puppets locked eyes, and then Blade advanced, swinging his knife hand at the other. Leech Woman instantly got up from her spot next to the fireplace and motioned for the other puppets to help her. Pinhead went to grab Torch, but decided against the move once he realized he might get caught on fire. Tunneler and Jester both made motions at Leech Woman to get away from the two, but she was determined to stop them. Before she could do anything, however, Pinhead lifted her up and the remaining puppets fled the room. 

As Torch and Blade stood off in the now burning room, Blade stood his ground, making a 'come here' gesture with his hook hand. A wicked smile crossed the fiery puppet's mouth as his rage steadily built. This was going to be fun. 

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