Chapter 3: First day/ Butterflies

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It was my first day of high school entering my senior year at hollow high home of the mocking birds . I sigh with relief being glad we moved before school started or I would have felt like a outcast if I came in the middle of the year.I had only missed a day or two still unpacking the house. The cool, cold air running through spine sent chill and a sense of worry in the air. I had arrived at school heading to the cafeteria able to get some breakfast before the bell rang. I had gotten a cinnamon roll with chocolate milk and apple slices . I sat down and ate my breakfast quietly. Before the bell even rang a fight broke out in the quad . I expected this to happen I mean it's high school after all. I made my way through the crowd of my peers accidentally bumping into someone. I fell and saw I had dropped this person things and picked them up . I stood up and handed them their belongings saying how sorry I was and I hope nothing was damaged . I met eyes with a brunette , smiling, and yet friendly girl. "It's fine , no worries it was a accident after all" I then smiled and introduced myself to her " I'm Christiana , and you are?" . She came back into thought and replied with a sense of embarrassment " oh ! sorry where are my manners I'm Kim ".

We then walked away from the crowd and talked together which seemed for hours only being 4 minutes . "By the way Chris ,can I call you Chris?" , " yeah that's cool" I replied with a nod. " what class do you have for 1st period ?" I then handed her my schedule for her to run through. " you have geometry huh? Well your in luck so do I and same teacher too. You know what I think this is s start of a beautiful friendship Chris" hearing Kim say that made me feel less alone and more welcomed.

We walked to geometry together and to a couple of other classes we had together . This was like geometry ,biology, English and band. When it was time for 5th period we parted our ways waving goodbye . I then headed to gym for P.E. Luckily I had brought a extra pair of clothes to change into. My adidas shorts and top both black and white to not too much attention towards myself .P.E was always my favorite activity about school we were put into two sides to play dodgeball I was on the red team. I was mostly surrounded by tough and hyped people ready to kill the freshman kids . But me on the other hand I just threw a few balls or stood by the side of the gym.
A buff but cool guy then approached me to stand with me . " not your type of sport is it red?" He said observing me up to down seeing how I would react. I responded to him with a call but sassy voice "I guess it's not your either umm?" I said raising a brow to knows his strangers name."Jackson .. Jackson river and whom may your name be red?" . I took my hand to shake his " Chris my name is Christina Fade"..........................................

Well we'll just have to see what's up with this new guy Jackson  and that feeling in the air is it a feeling or instead a calling to start? Find out in chapter 4

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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