Wait, Where's The Story?

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Hello everyone,

If you are reading this, it's because you are either a new reader looking at my story for the first time (Hiii!!!!), a current reader in the middle of the story(Sorry!!!!), or a former reader who forgot all about this book until you received this notification that I updated it (Again, so sorry!!!!).

Let me start of by saying none of the chapters in this book have been deleted. They have simply been unpublished and turned back into drafts, because for a while now, I've felt that's what all these chapters are. I've felt this entire series is just one big draft.

I originally starting writing I Hate You, I Think? In early 2016, around....Grade 8, meaning I was still in middle school.

I am currently in Grade 12, meaning I am not only in high school, but that I am graduating in less than a year and will be moving to an even bigger chapter in my life.

Since writing this story I have had the chance to grow and evolve as both a person and a writer (For OG readers....Yes, this means I no longer hate Justin Bieber), and I will admit, I neglected to take this story along for the ride with me. While I can look back on the story and see when and where my writing improved, my writing skill then can not even begin to compare to my writing skill now.

I feel this story is a poor representation of my writing abilities. Don't get me wrong, I love this story. I love Riley, Courtney, Samantha, Selena, Justin(in the book), Ryan, and obviously Linaya (she's my favorite)! Even Jasmine and Junior I've grown to really care for, and Adam too. I love Jiley, I love Courtnan, I love Samantha and the guy I plan on setting her up with....Pretty much I love everything about this book except the writing.

It's because I love this book so much that I feel these characters need to have their stories told correctly, and by someone who actually (kind of), knows what they're doing here. Like I said, the chapters have not been deleted. They have simply been unpublished and turned back into drafts, and they will stay that way until I decide otherwise.

Unlike before, I am not going to pressure myself into updating as soon as possible and give myself a specific deadline. Limitations like that caused me to rush the uploading of my chapters in the past instead of take my time and really read and revise and re-vise my story. This time around, reading, revising, and re-revising is exactly what I plan on doing.

I am not sure when the chapters will be back up again, it could be a month from now, or it could be a year from now. I am not going to promise anyone a date of when this will be back up.

Here's what I can promise you:

This story will be back up. While I may not be writing Fan Fiction so much anymore, this is the first book I have ever written, and I want to finish it. Also, I'm not done with this group of people just yet, I get new ideas for this story everyday and let me tell you guys.......This roller coaster is just beginning 

The story will be completely revised. The story line and characters will remain the same, but some chapters will be combined, some moments will be added, just to provide more detail in certain areas and add to moments I felt ended abruptly.

The story will all be uploaded at once. I will not do weekly updates or anything like that because I feel it can create to much pressure on me as a writer to keep to a schedule I may not be able to commit to, and cause some readers to get upset with me, or quit my book all together due to long periods of time between updates.

Well, that's all for now folks,on behalf of Justin, Riley and the rest of us....see you soon!

Did I Ever Really Hate You?(Sequel To IHYIT)Where stories live. Discover now