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Danny was eight when he got his powers. He is fourteen right now. He knows he is adopted because his parents never hid that from him, not wanting him to struggle with learning the truth one day.

Dead. They are all dead and it's all my fault. Why did I have to even consider cheating on that stupid test. It's not like I planned to do anything with my life other than being Danny Phantom anyway. Now they're dead and I can't get them back. I wish I could blame Dark Dan, but I can't, because he was me at one point. Everything he's done was as a result of what just happened to me.

I twirl my silverware in the air with telekinesis. They dance together with surprising grace, reminding me of when we first discovered this ability of mine, way before I became half ghost. I was five years old and my parents were building the specter speeder. While underneath it, one of the supports gave out and it was about to fall on top of my father. I noticed it right before it actually gave out and I stopped it an inch away from his nose. He quickly got out from under it and it crashed to the ground as it put a lot of strain on me to hold it there. I quickly found myself surrounded by darkness and drifting in an endless abyss.

When I finally came to, I was in a hospital bed and hooked up to a lot of monitors. The doctors had no explanation for what happened but they did know that, for some reason, all of my energy levels were exhausted at once. They said with a little rest and a lot of food I would be back to normal in no time. It was true. My family never told the doctors about the telekinesis. They were scared of what the doctors might do if they found out. Instead, once I was all better, they had me try it on something smaller. They placed a soup spoon in front of me and asked me to try to make it move.

After several hours of trying, everyone was out of the room and I nearly gave up. I looked around and saw that every piece of paper in the room was floating now. I called for my parents and my sister, and they were all amazed at the sight. I guess I just needed something lighter at the time. It's actually easier for me to lift several different papers at once than to lift a stack of the same amount of papers. I slowly learned things like this as I continued to practice with my newfound ability. I was able to lift heavier things the more I practiced. We decided it was the adrenaline that allowed me to lift the whole speeder.

I remember how I would use my telekinesis to play several different instruments at once and be a one person band. It was always fun to play instruments, as I was always a prodigy in music. I would play at family christmas' for both sides of the family. The first time I showed the Fenton side, I spent an hour in ghost proof handcuffs before my parents could calm them down and explain that I wasn't a ghost. A hand on my shoulder grabs my attention and I look up into the panicked face of Vlad Masters.

"Daniel, while I am impressed that you have mastered a new power, I do not think it wise to practice it in front of humans." I jerk away from him and scoot towards the wall. "Daniel please, I know we haven't always gotten along, but unless one of your biological parents decide to take you in even though they already put you up for adoption, you will be living with me from now on."

"No. I can't. If I live with you, I'll become... him." the last part is barely audible and Vlad most likely only hears it because of his enhanced hearing.

"Him who?"

"The person who killed them."

"What are you talking about? It was an accident. Wasn't it?" I shake my head harshly. "Who-who killed them?"

"I did."


"I did. It was me from another timeline. Only now it's this timeline because I only became evil after they all died and I went to live with you. I can't escape it but I still can't live with you. Please." I beg.

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