Please vote!

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Hey I'm working on chapter three and soon enough Draco and Danny are going to make up. Before that happens, I need you guys to vote on some things. Before I continue, I'd like you to keep all votes specific to this chapter. I don't want to search through all the chapters for votes.

Okay so first thing first.

Should Danny and Draco be open about they're relationship?




Voting for this will end at midnight Christmas morning.

Another thing, I am making it so Danny is the ghost king since he defeated Pariah Dark. Do you want Draco to be,



Second King

And should Danny

Propose before he tells him

Or propose directly after?

Voting for these two will end exactly one week after New Years.

Can't wait to hear your feedback!

Y'all are fabulous!

Alice out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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