Chapter 2

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You laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling. You had went home in a bad mood because of that hybrid. He just ruined your first day. Your mother asked what was wrong, and you told her, not being one to keep things from your own mother. She had told you there were some people out there like that, and sent you to rest in your new room. You had to admit, your mother had a knack of organizing places, because you suddenly liked your room much better than before. With the posters and such covering the walls, it looked professional.

You just couldn't get that kid off your mind. Who was he? What was his name? Why was he so mean and cold to everyone? And does he not like his family? So many questions swarmed your brain about the unnamed kid.

I think I'll call him Mr. Grumpy for now. You thought, grinning smugly. Oh, he would love that! You took a quick glance outside, shocked to see the moon out, even thought it was barely passed dinnertime. You were currently bored out of your mind, but you remembered about the forest behind your house. You looked over at the clock.

Red numbers flashed: 7:00.

I mean, it's not anywhere near my bedtime yet... wait, I don't even have a bedtime... eh, Mom will let me go out either way... You thought as you leapt out of bed and proceeded out your bedroom door.

"Mom! Can I take a walk in the woods?" You asked as you arrived into the living room, where she was currently reading a book. She looked up, frowning in a concerned way.

"Are you sure? I thought you would have wanted to sleep," she said, worriedly, "You haven't slept in a couple days..."

"I'll be fine. I'm sure this walk will tire me out," you insisted, looking hopeful on her answer. You even used the 'puppy-dog eyes', which made your mom crumble instantly.

"Fine," she sighed, "But be back by eight!" That was enough time.

"Thanks, Mom!" You exclaimed, skipping to the back door. You yanked it open and walked out, shutting the door behind you. You breathed in the cold air before exhaling and continuing into the forest. There was a trail in there, when you got passed the first few rows of trees, which you took.

It was so peaceful. All you could really hear was crickets and the leaves rustling in the wind. Everything else was silent. It made you nervous. There's always calm before the storm. Something was going to happen, you just felt it.

And your feelings were absolutely right.

Your (large/small) ears pricked up at the sound of distant talking. From the sounds of it, it was one or two people. You, being the curious kid you were, quietly crept over in the direction you heard it coming from. As you got closer, you could hear one of the people speak. The voice sounded so familiar...

"No sir, they didn't find out," the person mumbled, before letting out an animalistic growl, "And they never will."

You went behind a tree and took a quick look. It was two silhouettes, a taller being and a much smaller one, both seemingly to be male. It seemed to be some sort of little meeting from the looks of it. You quickly hid back behind the tree when the taller being looked over in your direction.

"Good. We don't need them in our way." An unfamiliar voice said, sounding like he was grinning as he spoke, "After all, they could take you away, and you won't see any of us ever again--"

"No! I won't let that happen!" The other male yelled, sounding desperate, "I'll kill them if they find out! I swear!" You frowned when he spoke, but it sounded as if he devoted his life to whatever he did, so you couldn't help but have some sympathy for him. He sounded young, so that's where most of it came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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