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Chapter 1

Elena's P. O. V

"Elena come get your lazy butt up!!!!!"

That was my friend Annabeth,or Anna, calling me to wake up. One thing you should know about me, I am not a morning person. But as much I hate to wake up, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After I took my shower and changed, I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Well look who finally woke up" Anna said.

"Shut up" my morning side said.

"Woah some one is grummpy"

"You know I hate mornings"

"Well we have to go to work"


After breakfast I grabbed my keys and walked outside to my car. As I was waiting inside for Anna to come, I went on twitter.


Today is beautifal day so go enjoy it and remember, God loves us all

Yeah, yeah I know I'm cheesy. Hey what can I say, it's me. Finally after waiting for five minutes, Anna comes in the car.

"What took you so long" I asked

"I was looking for my One Direction concert tickets."

Anna is a big One Direction fan, unlike me. My old best friend is in that band. Now you are probably wonder who is your old best friend Elena? He happens to be the one and only Liam Payn.

"Ughhhh is that why you took so long, to get your tickets"

I was now on the way to work which is Starbucks. Anna was saying something but I wasn't listening. I was too busy remembering what Liam said before he left to the X- Factor.


"Promise me that you will call me when you make it Liam"

I was only a year younger than Liam and he was going to X-Factor to become a singer. Liam was an amazing singer. Whenever I was sad, Liam would sing to me.

"Don't worry Elena, I promise. How can I ever forget to call my beatfriend."

End of flashback

That was the last thing Liam said to me. He promised to call me but he never did. After that I just moved on, like he did to me. That was when I met Anna.

"Hello? Earth to Elena"

"Huh what?"

"I said that you zoned out again"

"Oh sorry Anna"

"When are you going to tell me qhy you always zone out"

"Maybe next time"

We stayed silent until we were at work. I parked my car and turned off the engien. We walked inside to be greeted by Abby. Abby was the nicest person that I know. She is the one I go to whenever I'm sad.

"Hey Abby" We both said

"Hey Elena, Anna"

Me and Anna went straight to work. I was the cashier and liked it because I get to greet the custumers into Starbucks. I loving working here but I also love photography.

"Welcome to Starbucke how c..."

I was cut off by Anna pulling me away from my job.

"What the heck Anna?"

"Sorry, but look"

I followed where she was pointing. I can not believe what I just saw. He was here at Starbucks were I work and looks taller and older than I remeber. The question is does he remember me. I guess I will find out myself. I still can't believe he's here.


"So he is just a cust..."

"No he is not ,he is Liam freaking Payn, Elena.As in from One Direction the biggest boy..."

"Okay, okay I get it"

I left her alone wondering why I didn't freak out about Liam Payn. Even the mention of his name brings bakc memories. I was about to take his order but Anna beat me to it. One hour later we are at home doing nothing just being bored out of our minds.

Anna's P. O. V

Right now I am thinking how should I get Elena to come to the concert with me. Then an idea popped in my head. You will have to blackmail her in order for her to go with you, I thought to myself. Ifound Elena on the couch watching Criminal Minds. I don't know why she likes that show.

"Hey Elena I have a question for you"

"Okay what is it"



"Can you come with me to the One Direction concert tonight"

"No no no, I don't even like them"

"If you don't come I will post that embaressing photo of you in your underwear and bra singing to Justin Bieber"

After I said that she went silent. Yes I won, now she has to come. I think she might have read my mind because she looked at me and said,"Fine I'll go."

Chapter 2

Liam's P.O.V

"You guys are on in five" said one of the crew members.

I can't believe that me, Liam Payn, is so nervous before a show. Tonight after the concert we get a break before we have another tour in a month. We are lucky that the last concert is here in London. "Liam after tonight can we have something to eat" a hungry Niall asked me. " Okay Niall, we can get some Nando's after the show." After a minute or so we were called on stage.

"Hello we are One Dorection" we all said

"Are you guys ready!!!!!!!" Harry yelled into the mic

I know that this show was going to be amazing, until I saw her in the middle to front row. She looked so sad and hurt just sitting there not looking up. When she did look up I noticed that her eyes also showed sadness and hurt. Through out the songs I was wondering why that girl looked sad. That's when it hit me . It was my old friend Elena who looked sad and hurt, but why did she look so hurt. Because Liam you promised to call her when you made it to the X-Factor, my brain said. I broke a promise and our friendship.

Chapter 3

Liam's P.O.V

As i was looking at the song schelduel, I noticed the song Over Again was next. Then an idea popped in my head, I will dedicate this song for her as an appology. You see years ago, while we were still friends, whenever Elena was sad i would sing to her. So this song will be a very big appology.

" Okay this next song is called Over Again, we hope you enjoy." Harry said

"First, I would like to dedicate this song to an old friend of mine" I said

Then i looked over to her, looked into her eyes, and said " I hope you forgive me Elena."

After the concert was over we were getting ready to meet some fans backstage. A minute later the fans were coming backstage, some of them crying. I noticed that Elena was here as well and she seemed to be happy. She held up a peice of paper for me to read,because she was at the back, and it said 'I forgive you Liam'. I smiled wide and ran towards her. I picked her up and spun her around.

" I am so so so sorry I forgot to call you" I said as I put her down.

" Liam it's okay, I forgive you" she said

" I missed you Elena"

" I missed you too"

A/n: I have been really busy this week and I finally updated the chapters

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