Noble arrangements (undertaker x reader)

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~~~brief note before you start, if you come across '___' this it's where you put your name, and the undertaker belongs to Yana Toboso :)~~~

An arranged marriage. A tradition that ran through many noble and high end families and as the daughter of a noble, she was no different. She was expected to marry a suitable man that her parents would decide upon. She'd met him once, when she was much younger and neither of them were aware of the agreement that was made between the two families as they chased each other around the gardens of the estate. The parents observed the children's behavior towards one another with smiles. They got along, which made the arrangement seem all the more right to the two opposing families. Now as an older girl, or rather a young woman, as her mother had put it she stood in front of her dresser as her maid helped her fix her corset. She gasping slightly as the strings tightened around her body, confining her, much like she thought this marriage would do. She thought back to when her parents had called on her to discuss it. She entered her fathers office with a smile, one many had complimented her on. The young gentleman who she'd only met that one time as a child was in the office with her father on her arrival. Her father had thought the young man would like to propose to her, keeping some part of the decision with his daughter. Although the look her father gave her when he knelt down and asked for her hand told her she'd want to think otherwise about declining his hand. Feeling a figurative weight drop onto her chest at his question she ran, tears streaming down her face as she left the office. She ran into the gardens to be alone while she cried, seeking some solitude.

She came crashing back down to the reality of the situation and was knocked from her thoughts as the maid called for her attention, needing her help to get into her dress. The dress was a symbol of her future confinement, she loathed it and much against her inner will she allowed the maid to help her put her wedding dress on. She thought of all the times she'd been prepared in the ways a wife should be, her etiquette lessons, her piano lessons and the many other tedious duties and activities that came with being the daughter of a noble. As she look up to acknowledge her reflection in her mirror she had another thought. What was her fiancé thinking about this? How was he feeling? Was he just as scared of this as she was? So many questions ran through her mind. A sigh passed her now pale red lips as her first maid finished doing her makeup and the second finished lacing up the dress,  she looked to the mirror. She never liked herself in plain white, it was too bland for her. Why couldn't her dress have been her choice? She certainly wouldn't have gone for the bouffant styled dress but something simple and elegant would have made her feel much more comfortable about going out in front of an audience and reciting the lines she had rehearsed so many times with her mother. "All finished milady, we'll be taking our leave now." She nodded and watched as her maids left, closing her door behind them. Sitting down on a stool at her dresser she relaxed for what she felt would be the last time for a while as she waited for her father to come and get her. After a short while of staring into space there was a light knock on her door. Looking up she spoke in a light and elegant voice, and called for the mystery guest to enter. As she turned to see who had come to visit she sighed, it was the groom himself, the one she knew as Adrian Crevan. "It's bad luck to se--" "what are your feelings on this arrangement ___? I don't know about you but I'm..." He trailed off and looked to the ceiling as he spoke. "We hardly know each other, is it really something you wish to go through with? I'd rather act on this taking your opinion into account as well as my own." He looked back over to her, his face stern yet his pale green eyes holding a softer look within them. Sighing and standing she replied, " I don't know how to feel about it, If I'm being completely honest, Adrian, I'm scared. I don't know what the future will hold, I'm still young. I want to be able to marry for love not for the agreements my parents made.. Oh! My I'm um-- uh please don't think I'm--" he stopped her mid sentence with a chuckle and his smile, a smile that set her worries at ease. "I'm glad you feel that way ___, I'd rather get to know you first and spend some proper time together as opposed to being thrown into this with no idea as to how we go about it". She smiled, one that matched his in radiance. "Well, what if we were to honor our parents wishes, but get to know each other first? That way we aren't breaking an agreement but can still approach this comfortably." "I like the sound of that." He laughed, one that was highly contagious as she started laughing with him.

Together they decided that they would get to know each other before restricting themselves to marriage, their parents weren't happy but agreed to allow them time to develop feelings, allowing their slowly forming love for each other to bloom. When that when the time came for the couple to be married, they would and this time it would be without hesitation.

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