Of Nobles and Futures

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Alright, so first of all, I would love to give everyone who has read this, added it to their libraries, voted and commented on this piece my sincerest thanks. It means a lot to know that everyone enjoyed the short story so much. I have decided to write another and as such it is below. It will be twice if not three times as long. I hope it's what you all wanted, as I know I have had quite a few ask me to write a second part. It will be taking place a few months after the wedding they chose to go through with. So, ladies and gentlemen. Without further hesitation, part 2.

_____ Sat at her dresser, humming one of Beethoven's many Sonatas softly to herself. It was a beautiful day at the Crevan Estate. The sun was out, the birds were sings, not a cloud in sight and dearest Adrian was attending to business matters. He was away regularly during the weekdays, but ensured he was always home on time for an evening meal and on weekends. He never missed a moment when it came to you. He adored every minute he spent with you and took each opportunity to shower you with gifts and little surprises, no matter the occasion. He treated you as though you were his world, and you had never felt better.

Your second attempt at a wedding had been everything you imagined it would be as a child. You chose your own dress - nothing like that bouffant monstrosity your parents had tried and succeeded to force you into the first time - but something that flattered your figure. He looked as handsome as always in his black suit, and the moment the two of you locked eyes as you stood in front of one another in the church was the closest you thought you'd ever get to magic. You remember it as though it was yesterday, despite it being almost six months since your wedding day. Things were going well for you both. Neither of you hesitated, unfortunately a little too eager to get things going you were seven months pregnant with your first child. Fortunately you still fit into your wedding dress when the time came to wear it, and no one was any wiser.

It was nearing quarter to five, and as if on mark, his carriage made its way up the gravel driveway. The smile that lit up your face upon seeing that carriage was the same, radient smile that had crossed your delicately beautiful features when you had said 'I do'. Standing up carefully, one hand on your stomach you slowly left the room you both shared, walking at a steady pace down the stairs and towards the foyer. Halfway down the stairs the door opened, revealing the footman who saw her and smiled. Confusion flooded your mind as you waited for an explanation.

"He's caught up in a meetin', My Lady, but he said he'll be home by six at the latest. Apparently these men have been nothin' short of difficult all day". At this, you sigh and nod, deciding to take a nap seeings as you had spare time. After thanking the footman, he went to go unsaddle the horses as you make your way slowly back upstairs and retreat into your room. Laying down carefully after removing your slip on shoes, you pull the blankets over you and being content on your side, you quickly fell asleep.

No one came to wake you, and as you stirred from your sleep you noticed the faint glow of candles coming from the en suite bathroom. Frowning softly at this you checked the time. Half past eleven. You'd nearly slept all night, and sat up before carefully stretching. As you wrapped yourself in your robe, you gently knocked on the bathroom door. "Sweetheart, is that you?" you spoke, sleepily but just loud enough for him to hear. Adrian gave a loud grunt, signaling for you to enter, followed by a few softer grunts.

Stepping into the well lit bathroom your blood ran cold upon seeing the state of him.  A large, deep looking gash ran from above his left eye, down along his right cheek, another large but not particularly deep gash on his chest. His white dress shirt was covered in a mix of blood and dirt and his suit was in ruins. What you found the most unusual, however, was that his pale forest green eyes, now held a phosphorescent glow to them, almost an eerie glow. You covered your mouth with a shaky hand, rattled, you took a step closer only for Adrian to turn to you with a faint yet pained smile. "It isn't as bad as it looks. I promise _____... Dont worry."

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