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The next day Ben woke up first, hearing wimpering, he woke up to Mal screaming around on the bed, she was having a nightmare.
"Mal!, Mal honey wake up it's just a dream!" Ben says and shakes her trying to wake her up, she shot up the bed, sweat all over her forehead, she was breathing heavily
"Ben?" She asks
"Yes, it's me Mal" Ben says
"I-it was horrible, m-my mother s-s-she took the twins, a-and s-she killed them in front of me" Mal says sobbing
"Shh, shh, it was only a dream honey" Ben says soothing her, Mal just slowly nodded, they stayed like that for awhile, then someone knocked on the door, but they were too lost in eachothers eyes to hear it, they knocked again but to no avail. he tried a few more times, and when he decided to just give up Ben opened up the door, a doctor was standing there.
"Oh hello, i just came by to tell you that queen Mal can go home when she's ready" He says
"Okay, thanks" Ben says and shuts the door, he turns around
"Good news" He says
"What?" Mal asks
"You can come home now" Ben says and walks closer to her
"Really?" Mal asks and Ben nodded
"Finally!" Mal says
"So you wanna go now or-" Ben says but got cutt off
"Yes, lets go home!" Mal says quickly, grabs her clothes then gets dressed
"Need help?" Ben asks since Mal was struggling with the lace on her dress
"Yeah" Mal says, Ben walks closer and laces her up
"Good?" Ben asks
"Yep" Mal says, they pack up the rest of her things and then leave to go to the castle.
When they get to the castle, Melanie and Matthew immedietly saw them and ran up to them
"Momma your home!" Matthew says hugging Mal
"What about me?" Ben asks
"Oh, uh, hi daddy" Matthew says and hugs Ben
"Welcome home Momma" Melanie says and kisses Mal's cheek
"You too daddy" Melanie says and also kisses Ben's cheek
"Have you two been good to grampa and grandma?" Ben asks
"I have, and Matthew well *Cough, Cough*" Melanie says
"Matthew, what did you do?" Mal says calmly but sternly
"Uhhh, nothing" Matthew says innocently
"Mom, dad what did he do?" Ben asks Belle and Beast
"Come look" Belle says and Ben followw her
"Go to your room" Mal says to Melanie and Matthew before running after Ben.
When they got up to their room, a vase that Mal charished was broken and on the floor
"What happened?" Ben asked, Mal was speechless
"Well, the twins were playing tag in your room, and Matthew knocked it over" Beast says
Ben was about to speak when she noticed Mal tearing up
"What's wrong?" Ben asks Mal
"Nothing, i'm fine" Mal says
"Okay, Mom call Matthew" Ben says
"Sure" Belle says and walks out of the room
"I'll leave you guys to it" Beast says and walks out as Matthew enters the room
"Sit down" Ben says, Matthew obeys and sits on their bed
"Honey, we know it was an accident but that vase and really important to your mother, and you know that, you shouldn't have run around in our room" Ben says calmly but sternly
"I know, i'm sorry" Matthew says looking down
"But your actions must be payed" Ben says
"No" Mal says
"I will not do anything to him, it's fine he said sorry" Mal says
"Okay" Ben says
"Thank you mommy" Matthew says
"Of course" Mal says and hugs Matthew
"But no dessert tonight" Mal says and boops his nose
"Okay, thats alright" Matthew says
"You too Ben" Mal says walking over to him
"What?, Why?" Ben whines
"I'll tell you later" Mal says and walks out, Matthew and Ben make eye contact
"Someones moody" Ben says to Matthew, he just giggled
"Heard that!" Mal shouts from the hallway
"Lets go down for lunch" Ben says as they both walk to the dining table.
Everyone was in their normal places, Ben and Matthew sat down on their chairs, they all started eating, then came dessert time. Mal was very good at baking and she always made amazing desserts for everyone, but for today two people didn't get any. Mal served dessert ti Melanie, Belle, Beast, and herself, but none for Ben and Matthew
"Hey wheres yours?" Melanie asks Matthew
"I don't get any for today" Matthew says
"Bumer" Melanie says and takes a bite of hers
"Ben, don't you have one?" Belle asks
"Well, someone, said I couldn't have any" Ben says pointing to Mal, who was to busy eating to notice Belle just nodded.
Later that night, Mal was ignoring Ben the whole night
"Hey, you wanna watch a movie?" Ben asks Mal who was on her phone, she didn't answer
"Mal" Ben reapeted about 10 times
"What?" Mal says after his 12th try
"Whats up with you?" Ben asks
"What do you mean?" Mal says and walks to the bathroom, Ben opens the door
"Why didn't you knock?" Mal asks
"Mal, we never knock, is anything wrong?" Ben asks
"Nope, get out, i'm gonna shower" Mal says and shoos Ben out of the bathroom
"Well, that was weird" Ben mumbles to himself, then he had an idea, to call Evie she should know
So he called
Ben: Hey Evie somethings up with Mal do you know what?
Evie: No not really, Oh! i know
Ben: What?
Evie: hormones Duh
Ben: Okay
Then she hangs up, Mal comes out of the bathroom in her normal sleeping atire which was short shorts and a tank top
"Hey, you gonna shower?" Mal asks Ben
"Yeah, i will, just give me a moment" Ben says
"Why?" Mal whines, little did Ben know she had a little prank for him in there
"Cause" Ben says, and Mal straddles him
"Please" Mal says with puppy dog eyes
"Okay, fine" Ben says and walks in the shower, when he went in there was a mouse inside the shower
"Ahhh!" He screamed, Mal giggled and walked in
"What's wrong Bennyboo?" Mal says in an innocent voice
"Theres a rat!" Ben says, Mal giggle and picks it up
"Meet Whiskers, he's my friend" Mal says
"Thats a rat!" Ben says
"Hhehehe, Alright turn back Tyler" Mal says and the rat turns into a boy
"Oh, uhh, who is this?" Ben asks
"He's my bestfriend on the isle" Mal says and they do a cool handshake
"Okay, where will he stay?" Ben asks
"In the guest room" Mal says
"Okay" Ben says
"Anyways i'm gonna go to bed, thanks for inviting me Mal" Tyler says
"Anytime buddy, talk to you tomorrow" Mal says and he leaves
"What was that?" Ben asks
"Nothing, just a little prank" Mal says and walks out of the bathroom, Ben just showers. When he walks out, Mal is on the bed, on her phone giggling
"Whats so funny?" Ben asks, then she shows him a picture of Mal when she was a baby
"Aww look how cute you are" Ben says
"Haha, as if" Mal says
"No seriously your so cute here" Ben says, Mal straddles him again
"So, you wanna watch that movie" Mal says inches from his face
"Sure" Ben says and kisses Mal, it lasted for about a minute but then they stopped and watched a movie
Mal fell asleep halfways through, do Ben layed her down and kissed her forenead
"Night princess" He whispers to her and falls asleep himself


so that was the chapter thanks for reading hope you liked it, please check out my MalxHarry book its out on my account, ilysm❤️
~One of the twins Adison 💙

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