Fighting fam!Let's do it for Suho, the loving leader who is always worried about EXO-Ls.
Let's do it for Yixing, who is trying so hard for us.
Let's do it for Kai, who danced even when he was injured just to make the fans happy!
Let's do it for Chanyeol, who constantly tries to entertain everyone even if he gets hurt.
Let's do it for Kyungsoo, who never fails to mesmerise us by his singing!
Let's do it for Chen, who has the biggest and fearless heart that is full of love for everyone.
Let's do it for Xiumin, who doesn't express his love by telling it loudly but his actions are enough to understand his love for the fans.
Let's do it for Sehun, who not only shows love and care for the fangirls, but also for the fanboys.
Let's fulfill Baekhyun's wish, who wants EXO to be the group that could be found in the textbooks!!
Let's do it for our boys shall we?