The Story Of EXO-L

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The Story Of EXO-L

Is It Simple To Explain?

12 Boys

Singing And Dancing

1 Fandom

Is That All?

What Is EXO L?

SUHO: Recruitment of EXO's Official Fanclub, "EXO-L" will begin soon.

CHEN: As "L" links K&M alphabetical order, It's mean EXO-L,EXO-K,EXO-M are one.

We,EXO, Hope to be together forever with EXO-L.

But Then,

Me: Did you know what was gonna happen?

You: You never know
You hope for the best,then make do with what you get
I got a great team

Me: Nothing last forever

You: Trouble. No matter who wins or lose,trouble still come around.

Losing 3 Members😞

*Kris* left

*Luhan* left

*Tao* left

Is it easy to be an EXO-L?

Bearing all the tears and heartbreak

If we could,we would like to return everything around as it used to. Instead of this to 12 members back. Many have left but many have stayed. It's time to started again.

Me: Things never happen the same way twice. We can never know what would have happen. But what will happen is another matter entirely.

Let the tears flow😭

As tears will make us more stronger, and bring back all the smile we lost.


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