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“Caeden, how do you feel?” Dr. Althea Frye asked.

The slow beeping of life monitors filled the room. A single dark green chair was in the stark white room causing it to stand out more. The woman sitting in the chair was almost drowned out of the picture. Her curly brown hair was pulled back into a tight braid down her back and her green eyes spoke of intelligence that very few have. The male laying on the bed was doing a very good job of blending in with the white sheets. If it wasn’t for his dark almost black hair and the tubes from the monitors you wouldn’t know that someone was in the bed.

“Caeden, you can’t stop talking,” Althea said softly.

“Auntie, I’m scared.”

“Why are you scared? The mutation took Caeden. You won’t age or get sick ever again just like me.”

“You didn’t get this sick when you were mutated.”

“No, I didn’t. The old rewriting process of DNA is painful and can easily take a very long time. You’ll be fine. The physicians can’t be too worried; you’re not under constant observation.”

The beeping continued to drone on in the background as Althea uncurled herself from the chair and started to mess with the bed sheets. Caeden looked weakly up at her as she stood over him, giving her a weakly exasperated sigh.

“No matter how many times you do so Auntie, the sheets are never going to be to your standards.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t try to make it to my standards,” Althea said.

The door opened and a doctor stepped into the room bursting the familial teasing bubble. The air seemed to electrify with tension. Althea stepped away from the bed to be able to face the doctor better.

“Caeden Frye?” The doctor asked.

“Yeah that’s me.”

“Are you his wife?”

“No, I’m his aunt and adopted mother.” Althea said and waited for the meltdown. Why must the hospital change doctors on them every week? It certainly didn’t help her nerves having to explain herself to every doctor that walked into Caeden’s room.

“Alright then, Mr. Frye’s levels have all settled down the high end of normal. He should be able to go home in two days.”

“Why two days? I want to go home now.” Caeden asked.

“Its standard procedure to watch over those who decide to get their DNA mutated that after they settle back down to a normal level to observe them for two days. Of course neither of you would know this after the amazing discovery of scientist Althea Frye.” The doctor left the room not knowing that he had been talking to the very same scientist that had made the discovery.

“You’re famous Auntie,” Caeden said once the air had settled.

Althea snorted, “Famous indeed people don’t even recognize me. Go to sleep Caeden.”

“You’re still bossy.”

“I will always be bossy.”

A shrill noise broke through the night. Althea was pushed to the side as a crash cart group flooded into the room. A large burly man picked her up bodily and removed her from the room. Althea was in shock so she didn’t even put up a fight. Caeden had been fine and talking with her not an hour ago.

“Did he show any signs of relapsing? Ms. Frye did he show any signs of relapsing?”


“Alright, take her to the lobby Bryce.” The nurse said writing on a chart.

“He’ll be alright Ms. Frye,” Bryce said leading her to the elevator still having bodily contact with her in case she decided on going back to the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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