Life is'nt always so EASYY , Izzy !

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Chapter 1 

my brother screamed from downstairs " we are gonna get late! Hurry up Izzy! " . 

I shouted right back " Two minutes, be right down ". 

I checked my reflection in the mirror and yep I looked good. 

I should probally introduce myself . Hey! I am isabelle Nicolette Ramontelle De Delacour, bUT, you can call me Izzy. 

I know my names HUGE but as my mother refused to give up her maiden name and my father wanted his surname to mine they both compromised and well theres my name. 

Well where was I ? Oh Yea the mirror. The reflection which stared back at me was of a slim girl with long black hair , blue eyes and red lips wearing designer jeans and a LV top with a Smoking white jacket bought from DKNY. 

Today is my first day of 11th grade and I want to be the girl every guy dreams about ( except my brothers . Gross ) and every girl wants to be. 

I hurried from my room while grabbing my new Gucci ( yay) bag and ran headlong into my younger brother Ricardo.Personally , I like him the best out of all my brothers and I have three me being the only girl as he is actually helpful and kind for a change. 

That guy has just started his 8th grade and in appearance he's cute in a geeky way and as hes a little shy no one pays him much attention and he likes videogames as oppose to going out so yea hes kinda geeky too.  

" Izzy , mom said your breakfasts on the table. Hurry! I don't want to be late for my first day of school " , and after saying that ricci was out of the door. 

I just grabbed a toast and was right behind him when we reached the car and it was vibrating. LITERALLY. 

The reason being my other brother who also happens to be my fraternal twin Jesse. 

How can you possibly explain that guy ?  

He is 6 feet , with green eyes and bronze hair and is really vain about his looks although I keep reminding him that they are just genes passed by our parents . 

Ohh and he also happens to love rock metal and any song where the dude is screaming his head off with lots and lots of metal piercing.  

As For Me , I much prefer soft soothing ballet or classical music. I like to think of it being classy and vintage. 

Hes Suppose to be Ricardo's and my ride to and from the school until I pass my drivers test. 

Ok you guys can stop laughing now.  

I mean come on who cares if I flunked that stupid exam 2 times. its still STUPID. 

and whats the point of owning a car if you cant drive it fast? 

It took us 10minutes to reach the school and no one said a word and even if we had the music would'nt have allowed it. 

First Jesse dropped Ricci at his school and then we were on our way.


When We reached the parking lot of our school " the walking angels " were upon us. 


Let me explain from the beginning, " The Walking Angels " are the elitest of the elite. You just can't get in , you will get an invitation and for that invitation you have to be inhumanly beautiful , have a rich daddy and have that " it " thing . 

And well if you have it then you are in it. 

Ironically , my BROTHER is in it. This has got to be the smartest thing he has ever done. 

The whole troop was upon us even before I could take a breath and along with them came Noel Albaster. 

My all time crush. 

He was the most handsomest , charming and courteous guy I have ever laid my eyes on. 

He has the beautiful brown eyes and thick lush blonde hair paired with a killer smile which could melt a girl in 3 seconds flat. 

My heart started doing a tango when he came over to the passenger side and opened my door and I could barely move my lips to say thank you and with a wave he was gone. 

But that was fine Noel ALbaster actually noticed me and waved at me. I was in utter heaven. 

As I entered the main school building I could see my two best friends standing at the end of the hallway talking to each other. 

As I was walking the blonde head turned and waved at me. 

She was Estelle Collins or as we call her Lulu . She had ash blonde and the most amazing violet eyes . She was the daughter of a wealthy Hollywood director but her parents did'nt have a lot of time for her so she stayed up at a fabulous mansion with her housekeeper. But as she is little over 6 feet and has spectacles and is really shy people tend to think of her as a nerd . But once you get to know you will know what a fabulous person she is. 

The other one is Samuel Czer , but I call him socks. Don't ask me why I call him that , I just do. 

He has short brown hair and golden-ish eyes and all the girls in our school fairly drool over him and I 'm pretty sure if he wished he could be hanging out with the " popular " kids but he chooses to hang out with us and for that I'm grateful. 

When I reached them , Lulu pulled me in a tight hug and said " Omg ! I missed you guys soo much! New York was terrible, no one to talk to and I usually ended up alone in the hotel suite with dad busy with his work and mom with her friends . " So saying she grabbed Socks and gave us a Tight group hug. 

Socks was much less err animated in his way of telling us he missed us by just saying " you idiots were'nt around so did'nt have a lot of fun this summer . "  

Anyways the bell had rung so we all rushed to our classes which happened to be the same ( SURPRISE , SURPRISE ) and we took the left corner and sat down together. 

When Mr. Ronalds who's our homeroom teacher came and introduced himself, even though he has been teaching in this school for like GAZILLIONS years and everyone already knows him , he still does That year after year. 

After he was done , there was a sudden knock at the door and a guy stuck his head in and was like " Oh jesus! am I late ? " . Causing everyone in the class to go real quiet as no one ever comes late to Mr. Ronald's class. EVER. 

Apparently , this guy , did'nt know as he just strolled in the class and gave a slip of paper to Mr. Ronald's saying " Hey , I'm the new student " . 

After saying that he just walked to the only available seat in the room which happened to be the one beside me and sat down. 

" Hey , I am Damien " said the new kid dumping his stuff on the desk. 

I could barely speak around the knot in my throat but I managed to get out a " Hey I'm Izzy " out of my pitiful throat. 

" Is it always so quiet in here " Damien said whispering to me. 

As I could'nt trust my voice , I just shook my head because that guy was CUTE. 

Really cute with dark kinda messy brown hair , Grey eyes and a tanned face. 

I could see Stacy and Tiffany ( aka the walking angels ) behind him making faces as if to say " why on earth is he talking to HER " . 

Before I could even open my mouth and start a conversation with him , in my mind in which by the ned of it he falls madly in love with me , Mr Ronalds finally got hold of his senses and all but shouted like a Mad-man " You You! Next to Isabelle Nicollete . Stand Up , right this moment ." 

Which caused the angels to give a gasp and caused Socks to whisper from back " You are in trouble  

Newbie ".


Hey! If you liked this chapter be sure to comment / vote and tell me about your opinions :)

This is actually my first try so if it is'nt that good i can understand , but , i promise it will get better :D 

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