The day

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I was so happy it was my first day of highschool hehe when I got there I took a first day of school picture some rude dude pushed me then did this real growl and walked away uhh but my picture was fine.
The day's went by then I found out his name Aaron....then I talked to someone I never talked to before Aaron we talked her and there but he was still a jerk. Then I talked to my best friend fc...I met him on a video game we never seen each other which was fine a lot happened we both found out that we went to the Same school.....
He was on the other side of the door I was very scared 🤭..then i opened the door it was AARON 😮 I was mad,sad,happy everything I cried tried to run away but he held my hand and and said wait... I said this isn't real this is some kind of sick joke! It isn't I swear I am fc.. But I don't like you! You don't like fc.... No I love fc but I hate Aaron! I love shu but I think aphamu is annoying... I don't know what to think.. but I do know one thing there is more to aphamu than I thought... can we start over please I want to prove to you that I am not the jerk that I made myself to be.. I could never stop talking to you
And that's how we met pretty wried right 😁

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