Cora-chan aka Cora (critic)

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Cora-chan is a new critic for the GRA. She joined Wattpad in 2012 on a different account but created her current one in late 2013. It wasn't until 2016 that she began to participate in the site's Pokémon community, reading dozens of stories from different authors.

She has completed one Pokémon fanfiction called Bonds. It was entered in two fanfiction competitions with the first being the 2017 Pokémon Watty Awards, placing second in the romance category and winning the Special Award for Best Beginning. The second was the Blackbrew: Anime Fanfic Competition where it won fifth place.

Cora enjoys stories with strong, identifiable characters and well-paced plots. She'd love to see more Pokéfics incorporating fantastical adventures and light-hearted humor.

Cora's critiquing style focuses on strengthening fanfictions by suggesting adjustments to plot points and characters. She's especially picky on characterization and relationship progression since she believes that the cast is what navigates the story. She critiques as respectfully as possible, trying to balance a fic's positives and negatives in order to not discourage the writer.

Got questions for Cora? Ask in the comments below before December 8th, 2017, and they will all be compiled into a special interview. Anyone who still has a question after that date will simply receive a reply in comments. 

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