chapter 11

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Leonardo stormed up to the school, followed by his twin brother. He flung open the doors, surprised to be met by a load of gurls from the school staring back at him. They had waited for the older twins to turn up.The first year girls looked like they had peed themselves. A few older girls started whispering as they looked at Lorenzo.
"The one with the tattoo on his cheek is so hot!" One girl exclaimed to her friend.
"No, the brown haired one looks hotter!" Came a reply to the first one. Lorenzo followed Leonardo to the headmaster's office. Leo bashed on the door. One girl walked up to the twins and cleared her throat.
"I'm Danielle, Katie's friend. You are her older brothers aren't you?" She asked nervously.
"Yes we are," Leo replied as the headmaster answered the door.
"You are the relatives of Katherine and Micheal Cooper?" The grey haired headmaster asked.
"Yes. Mikey and Katie are our younger brother and sister," Leo replied to the Headmaster. The older man ushered the twins into the office and closed the doors.
"Leonardo Cooper and Lorenzo Cooper. Both built for swimming and track events. Good use of brains and strategic values. I first became Headmaster when you started this School, after the passing of your Mother," the headmaster said, mainly to himself. Leo and Lorenzo looked dumbfounded by the information the head had retained about them.
"Mr Steele, how much about us do you remember?" Leonardo asked.
"I remember that if a student needed a shoulder to lean on, or a problem that needed solving through a strategic mindset, Leonardo was the twin to go to. If you need mischief, information on a student or someone to cheer you up, then Lorenzo was the guy to go to," Mr Steele smiled. It was 19:45 and a gaggle of schoolgirls that had waited for Leo and Lorenzo to turn up so that they could see them. Leonardo looked at his watch and out of the window to see the schoolgirls had gone and in their place were three weary figures emerging from the woods. One was female, the other two were male. One of the boys was tall, with dark and scruffy hair, the other was shorter, just taller than the girl. The dying rays of the sun hit the girl first: Katie. Lorenzo smiled with relief. The two boys were hit with the rays, showing the distinct features of Mikey and Bucky.
As Katie drew closer, Lorenzo saw the cloth tied around her arm. He stood up and left the small office, followed by his brother. He opened the doors wide and ran up and threw his arms around Katie's neck, pressing her face into his chest.
"I'm so glad you are okay," Lorenzo told Katie.
"For the most part," she grinned in reply, indicating to her arm. Leonardo looked at the trio sternly, his green eyes surveying each of them. Bucky's clothing was torn in places and there were wet patches, his black hair hung limply over his eyes. Micheal's light brown hair was messed up and his face and arm were covered in scratches. Three deeper cuts were on his right cheek, the scarlett blood running down his face and landing in droplets on his once white shirt. The headmaster looked over the three in dismay and sighed.
"Where the bloody hell have you three been?" He asked.
"The woods. I walked into a tree on the way back and disturbed a bird. She clawed me," Mikey explained quickly. Lorenzo couldn't help but grin. Mikey was the clumsier of the two, albeit shorter. A black car pulled up and out jumped the rich couple.
"Bucky darling. What have you been doing?" Mrs Stark said angrily as she grabbed her son by the ear and pulled his head down to her height.
"Ow Mother. That bloody hurts," Bucky groaned in reply.
"You run off and leave us worried Sick about you!" Mr Stark yelled. Katie moved quickly and silently behind the older man. She rammed her good elbow into his back and swung her leg into the back of his knees, bringing him to the floor.
"Is that Katherine Church?" Mrs Stark asked, letting go of Bucky's ear.
"Not any more," Katie replied with a sweet smile. She flicked her strawberry-blonde hair and walked into the school building.

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