Chapter 1

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"Why can't we go inside the nursery?" asked the little dark gray she-kit.
"Because, Snowwing's finally giving birth, and we can't have you two messy little furballs running around trying to see and 'help'". The sleek silver she-cat replied lovingly, yet strictly, to her kit.
"Please, Bluetail? I promise, Willowkit and I won't get in the way!" The little black-and-silver tabby kit begged to her mother, but it was no use.
"Every kit says the same thing when something like this happens. In the end, they do end up causing a bunch of trouble. Believe me, Twilightkit, I've seen it with my own eyes. Now go and... I don't know, listen to some stories Needlefoot and Molenose might have to share with you? Or go and play around with the apprentices, just, anything that doesn't get in the way of Cherryheart and us." Bluetail felt bad for her kits, they were always so full of curiosity, but she knew better than to give in to them.
Willowkit and Twilightkit looked disappointed, but they obeyed their mother anyways. "Alright then... I guess. But please show us the kits as soon as it's over!" Said Willowkit.
Bluetail licked her between the ears. "Of course, my love."
"That being said... let's go and listen to some stories in the elders' den Twilightkit!"

Both kits scrambled over to the elders' den. It was located inside the hollow of a big, old tree, in the inside, it had the two mossy nests for the current elders, but due to its big size, it looked pretty empty and cold, that was why the old cats always demanded the apprentices to line up their nests with feathers and other soft things they could find. Wow, being an apprentice must me hard. Willowkit thought as she entered the hollow tree and settled down in front of the elders. If it involves getting a bunch of stuff to satisfy Needlefoot, then it means that I'll probably never be a warrior... holy StarClan, and the fact that that old cat is never satisfied makes it even harder...

"Willowkit, are you there?" Willowkit snapped out of her thoughts and turned her head to face her sister. Twilightkit was looking at her as if asking What the StarClan?. Willowkit looked back at the elders and saw them looking at her with the same look as her sister. Willowkit realized that Molenose had already started talking long ago, and that she hadn't been listening at all.
"Yes... sorry. I was just... thinking. That's all." She quickly tried to brush it off, but Needlefoot clearly wasn't buying it.
"Thinking? About what? What could a kit as young, scrappy and hungry as you think so deeply about?" Said the old tom.
"Hey! I'm not scrappy! Okay, I am kind of hungry though..." Complained Twilightkit.
Again, Willowkit tried to brush it off. She definitely wasn't going to tell Needlefoot that she thought of him as an fat, old, un-satisfied cat. "Nothing, just... about what it must feel like to be in Snowwing's place."
"Nonsense. Kits so young shouldn't worry about that kind of things yet. Live your kit-hood, since it won't last long now." It was Molenose who interfered this time, clearly closing the topic. The elder then resumed to telling his story about how Gingerstar became leader of  VoidClan.

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Willowkit and Twilightkit ran inside the nursery as soon as Bluetail told them they could go back. They got scolded though, because apparently, they were making too much noise.
They walked over to where Snowwing and her newborn kits were. The queen was asleep, clearly exhausted, and so were the three tiny bundles curled up against her belly.  Two she-kits and a tom. The tom was the biggest, he had a brown, tabby pelt. The first she-kit was as white as her mother, and finally, the smallest one was a tabby brown and white she-kit, like a combination of her parents.
"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Willowkit had to make a huge effort not to jump on the kits. Now she understood why they called her mother the best hunter in the Clan. She was really good at sneaking behind someone. "The big brown tom is Bramblekit, the white she-kit is Dovekit, and the smallest one is Dandelionkit." Bluetail pointed at each kit respectively with her tail.
"It's good to know that Twilightkit and I will finally have someone else to play with. It gets pretty boring with just the two of us." Willowkit said as she went back to her nest and sat down.
"Yes, indeed it's good for you two." Bluetail said. "But I don't even want to imagine what a paw-full the five of you will be in a few moons." She added with a mrrow of laughter, then settled on the nest beside Willowkit.
Twilightkit went back to their nest too "Hey! We're not a paw-full! We won't be!"
Again, Bluetail let out a mrrow of laughter.

We will be a pawful for the queens. Willowkit thought. That's why I'm going to behave even better than I already do! I need to start now to become the best warrior ever!
The three she-cats settled in the warm nest and drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Aaaaannnnd, that's a wrap! 884 words! So... I'm still a noob at this, plz don't judge me if it's too weirdAnyways, if u do like it by any chance, I would like to inform you now that I will take long to release more chapters because of school and reading of other stuff, or simply because of my lack of ideas! Also, make sure to point out any mistakes!

That's it for me! Author-chan, OUT!

Ps: Does anyone get the various references to other fandoms in the chapter? Hehehe...

-V ::::)

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