(Final chapter) - the aftermath

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Boomer was at his house with Tails and Denise typing his computer and said to Tails and Denise, well we never knew what we had until it's gone..... Denise said, but it has been 6 months since Knuckles went back to Angel island and Sonic went back to Mobotropolis.... Boomer said, speaking of them....I heard Manic and Sonic are living together, doing things they used to do, and I also heard Sonic has rejoin the band he and Manic were in....I think it's called the goth demon-angels...not to mention it's like things were going their way again....only Sonic goes to visit Knuckles once a month and mostly spends time with Manic nowadays...as for Knuckles he's probably guarding his home from thieves or something whatever that means....but always expects a visit from Sonic.... Tails said, well I may not know it but.....this is one thing we can agree on......when Amy and Sticks heard about it they didn't take it really well..... Boomer said, well stinks to be them....but I doubt they'll be following him or Knuckles anytime soon.... Denise said, well I talk to Amy and Sticks and they told me they were about to visit Sonic but I completely reasoned with them not to.....besides city people don't like the villagers here now and then..... Tails said, well we visit them often how come I ain't being offended by then? Boomer replied, well that's technically because you acted more like a city boy rather than a village boy T.....besides Denise and I are from the city and we think of you as more than a simple village boy.... Tails said, good point....people at the funeral kept on and on saying that I don't look like a village boy..... Boomer said, yeah that and you dress like one....no offense.... Tails said smiling, none taken Booms....say Denise do you think we'll get this project done in time? Denise said, well yeah.....as long as Charlie doesn't attack us we will be fine.... the three friends agreed as they continued working on a project....

Meanwhile with Sonic:

Sonic and Manic were in theirs room laying down.... Sonic said as he sat up, man things have been kinda slow today huh? Manic? Manic replied, yeah it gets boring everyday....so you wanna go grabs some lunch at Catrina's diner before practicing for our next gig? Sonic smiled and said, yeah I'm getting hungry anyway....let's go bro..... Manic smiled as Sonic followed him..... then sees their friend Felix as they walked out the door.... Felix said, dude what the heck are you two doing this is not the time to be slacking off.....we should be practicing... Manic said chuckling, well Felix we're gonna grab a bite to eat so unless ya wanna join us might wanna wait for us back at your place..... Sonic said, yeah Felix ya might wanna wait for us..... Felix rolled his eyes as he watched them walk away to Catrina's diner..... They sat near the window as Sonic thought, hmmm.....I wonder how Knuckles is doing? I miss him so much.... Manic chuckled as Sonic asked, hey big bro what's so funny.... Manic answered while chuckling, I heard this funny joke once.....and I want you to hear it.... Sonic said, okay..... Manic said, okay....what do you call a dance that makes you flip on your back? Sonic shrugged and Manic finished, THE FLIP FLOP!!! The hedgehog twins laughed out loud as they were childishly laughing at Manics joke....

Meanwhile with Knuckles

Knuckles was walking around the area of Angel island.....protecting it from thieves....he held the necklace Sonic gave him and thought, every time Sonic visits me he always had that cute smile on his face.....he always been my reason to keep on going.....I miss you so much Sonic.....but when you visit me every month.....you always tell me that you always wonder how I am.....I love you Sonic and someday we will be together until then.....you will stay in my heart as long as I have the necklace you gave me.... Knuckles looks at the sky and thinks of Sonic everyday whenever the wind blows into his face..

Meanwhile with Sonic:

Sonic and Manic were getting ready for their next gig as they smiled and laughed at their band member and friend for making a fool out of himself as he sees a girl he likes.... Sonic said while laughing, hahahahaha.....oh man Felix you....need to focus.....hahahahaaha..... Manic said while laughing, hahahahaha.....Sonic is right.....Felix you need to focus on our gig not on Olivia.....haahhaahaha.... Felix said as he scowled at them, WILL YOU TWO QUIT LAUGHING AT ME LIKE A COUPLE OF LITTLE KIDS!!! Then after a moment of laughter the goth demon-angels practiced their new hit single: put you out of your misery....


At least until the sequel.

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