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Hashimoto Nyaa went to the same high school as the Matsuno brothers. Back then she was a reserved, studious brunette that sat at the back of the class.

It was one day after school that she decided to take a shortcut home through an alleyway that she met Ichimatsu.
He was feeding the alley cats a can of tuna when he noticed her watching him. He recognized her as the weird shy girl that would draw little doodles of cats on her schoolwork. Anyone who appreciated cats was alright in his book, so he didn't bother to make her leave.

Running into each other in that alleyway after school became a regular occurrence for them. Hashimoto soon grew the courage to actually start a conversation with Ichimatsu, and they found that they shared a lot of common interests. One of them being cats.

They'd talk about their favorite types of cats, what types of new cat treats were on the market, and whatever other cat related topics came up.

It was during one of these conversations that Hashimoto expressed her secret desire to be an idol star. Expecting to be made fun of, she was surprised when her new friend gave her words of encouragement instead. This would later drive her to making her dream a reality.

A few years after they graduated from high school and went their own ways, one a NEET, the other a cat idol, they'd come in contact again.

Hashimoto wanted to express her gratitude to the person who believed in her dream. So she looked up where Ichimatsu lived and sent him free tickets for him and his brothers to see one of her concerts (she slipped in a backstage pass just for him though).

After catching up, they'd meet in secret and hang out whenever she wasn't performing as 'Nyaa-chan'. They'd go to the arcade, cat cafés, take walks through the park.

Believe it or not, but Ichimatsu would sometimes give Hashimoto advice on how to act more cat-like during her performances.
He'd vehemently deny enjoying their little "play concerts" if anyone were to ask.

Choromatsu always asked where Ichimatsu would get free concert tickets from. Of course the fourth brother would never tell.
Kami forbid his otaku brother actually found out the truth. He'd never stop bugging him for dates with his "precious Nyaa-chan".

Omg this turned out being way longer than I intended! 😆 I hope you enjoyed it though! If you want longer headcanons like this, then just let me know!」

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