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Yeri closed her eyes as she felt the morning breeze on her face, her hair covering half of her face

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Yeri closed her eyes as she felt the morning breeze on her face, her hair covering half of her face. Yeri's waiting for Jungkook to arrive. She's sitting at a swing in an abandoned playground. She sighed.

"How can something this beautiful be abandoned?" She muttered.

"Well, some people don't appreaciate things or places especially when they get old now." Someone suddenly answered.

Yeri jumped upon hearing Jungkook's voice as she stared at him. Slightly still shock because of his sudden appearance. He was wearing ripped jeans, white shirt with leather jacket, a mask, cap that covers almost his whole face and last but not the least, of course his lovely timberland shoes.

"What? Are you just going to stare at me?" The boy started teasing her, nudging her. He pulled his mask down for a while.

The said girl started laughing while shaking her head. "Ah, no! You're so full of yourself, jeon!" She hit the boy playfully on his shoulder.

"Yah, yah, yah. Stop!" Jungkook laughed as he pulled Yeri up. "Let's go eat! I'm starving after some practice."

Yeri froze.

But she immediately returned to herself. She smiled while nodding.

"S-sure! Where will we eat?" The girl asked.

Jungkook held his chin, looking slightly up, as if thinking where to eat. But e lowkey planned everything already.

"How about we have some ramyun? I've been craving those stuff!" He exclaimed.

Yeri's face lit up, hearing what they'll eat. Ramyun?

I missed ramyun! She thought.

"How about buy some at a convenience store then eat by the Han River?" Yeri excitedly suggested. Jungkook nodded, agreeing to Yeri's bright idea.

"Oh! That's a good one. Let's go then?" Jungkook said, smiling.

"Wait, pull up your mask." The girl warned him making Jungkook pull his mask up, thanking Yeri as the both walked to the nearest convenience store side by side. But of course, a space was between them.

They both went in the convenience store, picking some ramyun until someone shrieked.

"Oh my gosh! You're Jeon Jungkook right?" A girl with a short hair asked while staring at the said boy.

Jungkook immediately froze.

Knowing that he's with a girl, would make a scandal for him. But that's not what he was worried about. He knew that some would bash her, he doesn't want Yeri to go through those. So he thought of an excuse.

"No, sorry. I'm not him." He quietly answered in a polite way.

The girl shooked her head.

"No way, I'm sure you're Jungkook oppa!" She fangirled. Making Jungkook even more tensed.

"I'm not, I'm also with my best friend. Don't.." He trailed as he looked around.

"Where is she?" Jungkook muttered under his breath, barely audible.

"You got the wrong person, sorry." Jungkook once again bowed at the girl. The girl pouted in disappointment and bowed at him too.

"Sorry too. But you really look and sound like him." She smiled slightly before leaving the store with a paperbag.

"Phew, that was close." Jungkook sighed while holding the ramyun he got for the both of them. He started looking around, finding Yeri.

He got startled as Yeri appeared at the edge of the store, as if she was hiding.

"Well, you're a good hider I can say. You're fast, didn't even notice you hiding." Jungkook said as he walked to Yeri.

Yeri stood up, patting her pants, and smiled at Jungkook.

"Told ya' so! I also noticed how the girl looked at you so I thought of hiding." She shrugged as if it's nothing.

Jungkook paid for the ramyun as they cooked it in the store and brought it outside. It was already cold because winter's coming very, very soon.

They both sat on a bench while enjoying the cool breeze.

Jungkook started eating his ramyun as Yeri stared at hers for some time.

"Kim Yerim, aren't you going to eat?" The boy pinted out. "You've been staring at the ramyun for some time now."

Yeri shooked her head as she smiled. "Sorry, just thought of something."

She took the ramyun as she turned around, blowing on the ramyun as it turned quite.. weird. It does not look weird to eveyrone but it looks kind of pale and white. Jungkook did not notice it so Yeri sighed in relief. Yeri ate in comfort.

They hanged out for skme more hours. After thinking of going home, they both walked together.

Yeri stopped as she saw a very creepy girl in black staring at her.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, not aware of the girl staring at Yeri. He was looking away so he didn't bother to see.

"Nothing." Yeri smiled as she continued walking and as usual, Jungkook followed behind. Making sure she's safe.

But what does he know?

Yeri's the one making sure he's safe

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