Chapter One

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I'm dead.

Yeah, dead.

It's a long story, but that's why I'm gonna tell you.

It all started when I was coming back from summer vacation with my mom and dad. I was showing my mom the pictures I took while we were on vacation. It has always been my dream to become a professional photographer. I showed her my favorite one and we both smiled. My dad was also smiling and he said "Your dream just might come true." Then it happened.

Glass shattered.

Blood everywhere.

Sirens filling up the hearing of my eardrum.

I tried, I really did with all my force to open my eyes but it was useless. I remember two men carrying me up to an ambulance. I don't remember much from the hospital but I remember a nurse trying to save me. The doctors gave up saying that I was losing too much blood and that there was no use in trying. I don't blame them, I mean I'm pissed that I'm no longer full of life but then again it is what it is.

The nurse soon figured that the doctors were right.

I tried opening my eyes again.

They opened. Except this time I was looking at myself in a hospital bed. I was confused. I thought I was alive again and that this was all some dream. It wasn't a dream.

I was dead.

I am dead.

I walked in the hallways of a small hospital. I took a right turn and then I saw my father. I ran up to him and hugged him. I asked where we were and he didn't respond he just looked at me and hugged me tighter. We went looking for my mom but when we entered her room we were suprised.

She was alive.

Her eyes were open and the nurses were giving her the news about me and my father because she asked if we were okay. Once they gave her the news she got up from her hospital bed and almost fell on her face. The nurses pulled her back and my mother was yelling and screaming. I screamed and cried with her. After an hour of this she soon fell asleep. My father talked to me and said this was a good thing. I asked how and he said that my mother is okay and safe. She just needs to learn how to live her life and move on. Of course without us it would be hard but eventually it has to happen.

Now I bet you guys are wondering where am I.

I'm not in hell

nor am I in heaven

I'm in the middle.

"They" have to see how we treated people and how our lives are now to decide where we go.

I'm just stuck on earth.

People don't see me but I see them. I guess you could say it's okay.

I mean there isn't any super powers that come along with being dead but I get to see my mom and be with my dad which is all I need.

I live with my dad in an abandoned apartment which I guess is the typical place for dead people to live in.

I have one best friend. Her name is Anabelle. I call her Bella. I met her while my dad and I were checking out our apartment. She died from cancer and has been stuck on earth for 7 years. She died when she was 9. She's about one year older than me. She lives next to me. This whole apartment complex is abandoned and half of it was burnt down. I guess people decided not to waste their time on these apartments and to simply build new ones. Me and Bella like to go to the park and just look at people full of life. It kind of gives us Joy. It's nice to see people being happy. Family picnics. Little kids on slides. Adults pushing their kids on the swing set. Kids playing soccer in the field.

I like to visit my mom. She sold our house because the memories just struck her everytime she entered and would always have a breakdown. She lives with my grandma now. I always go over there. She's actually doing okay and I'm so proud of her. It's been one and half years since the crash. I've gotten used to this life.

I do miss my friends from school. I visit them too. The first couple of months were actually filled with tears and silence. Then they soon got to the way it was sometimes I just listen to what they say and they have good laughs but then they get sad again and say "She would've laughed so much with us if she were here with us." Then they would stop talking.

I remember my funeral. People were crowded everywhere. My family, friends, and people from school whom I'd only talked to once. A girl named Tori spoke at my funeral saying how she wished I was here and how she now see's me everywhere she goes because what happened to me is such a traumatic event towards her.

I remember my friend, Ana whispering to my other friend Morgan that Tori was selfish for saying that.

I agree.

My friends spoke saying how it will never be the same and how they miss me. They broke in tears but then continued saying that they know I'm laughing in heaven.

Not true, but it's okay.

Then a young boy named Max, my old neighbor,spoke saying how he remember all the details about me. How I talked, the way I walked, the way I would turn red when the attention was on me in class. He even admitted that he had a small crush on me when we were kids.

I smiled at the thought that maybe if I wasn't dead maybe I could've had a little something with him.

That's all I think about now.

"A little something"

I know now I'll never have kids. Never get married. Never have my little something.


Hey guys so that was the official first chapter of this fanfic I'm so excited because I have a lot of things planned for this story. Anyways I hope you all enjoy and please vote and comment telling me what you think! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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