My Stupid Sister

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ray: well I dont know I just met her she got a nice body but so do you, we will see

desire:ok im ready let's to

ray:ok bye destiny

destiny: bye ray

destiny POV

before desire walked pass me I pulled her to me and whispered

destiny: don't do nothing stupid

she rolled her eyes at me and left. u know she shouldn't be mad at me I just told her the truth

desire pov

my sister is officially a dick .Well I'm happy ray is taking me somewhere away from this house. so we got to the movies and decided to watch divergent it was a good movie well now ray is driving me home

In The Car

desire:thanks for taking me out it was nice

ray:no problem besides you needed some space

desire:Ik. i did my sister can be a pain in the ass

ray:she's not that bad

desire:do you know what she did

ray:no bu-gco

desire:but nothing she called me a hoe she acts like she's older than me I'm the one who should be telling her what to do...... oh dont do nothing stupid des stop fucking around you have to be loyal to your boyfriend he loves you pshh she's annoying

ray: she was just trying to help

desire: so your taking her side

ray:no I'm not I'm not taking anyone's side I'm just saying I mean she is your sister she probably doesn't want you to get hurt

desire:but that's not her problem

ray:yes it is look I know its none of my business but obviously whatever you did is bad enough that she is worried for you

desire:she shouldn't be worried

ray:what did you do that would make her think that she should be worried

desire:its a long story

ray:I've got time you can come to the conjunction house tomorrow and we can talk about it there


he dropped me off at my house and I went to bed


drake:so what's up with the girls

Nicki:destiny is over reacting that desire is irresponsible.....and that she can't keep her legs closed

drake:why would she think that

Nicki:you know how desire goes out with diggy right


Nicki: well when we told the girls about there music video with MB desire said there sexy and stuff... you know how she is but destiny started to call her out on being hoe-ish desire got mad and things escalated

drake:but it was ok for destiny to do that sometimes desire can get out of hand

Nicki: babe it was kind of offensive

drake:it was the truth

Nicki:so you think my daughter is a hoe

Drake: oh so she's your daughter now

Nicki: yes the fuck she is

drake:are you kidding me

Nicki:nope I have nothing to kid about if MY daughter is a hoe then I guess she is MY daughter

drake:Desi is not hoe I never said that

Nicki........ she sits on the bed and drake sat down next to her

Drake: I didn't mean it like that nika you know I love you and our kids

Nicki:I know you do Aubrey

drake:then what's up

Nicki put her head on his shoulder

Nicki:I don't know what to do with them if I tell desire what to do she will get an attitude and I don't have time for that, she is just like me when I was younger(she groans) and I hate that........ destiny is the overprotective one I get that she cares but that's none of her business what desire does

drake:its not fair for you to pick sides and I can

Nicki: :-|

drake:ok ok I'm sorry I'll handle them

Nicki;yeah whatever

then she leaned in an kissed him

Drake:I love you

Nicki: love you to baby

they kept kissing and you know what happened next


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