Part 2

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brandons pov

he stood up and i took in the beautiful saggy scrotum. "stop looking mate ur gay" his mid-northen accent made me tingle in side . "arugh" i groaned under breath, "speak up r u fucking challenged"... i had no words "yes sir".  my head thought back to my girlfriend t at sat at home at this moment but my little head couldnt help but think of whats infront of me. 

"get outta here" he demanded "but first.... come smash dis long, thicc like button".....

and then i woke up. my girlfreunden lay next to me in winter coat. "u cold?"she turned to me and nodded without saying a word. she arose and walked to the kitchen of our small studeo apartment, "would you like some vegan, organic totally cruelty free pancakes?" she asked in her normal monotone voice. "you sound like the new iceland christmas advert... fuck off", "i'll press ceop you abusive twat..." sobs "you never call me a sket... do you not love me anymore bailey?" she paused "OMG NO I MEAN BRAFON!1!1!" her monotone voice had now disapeared and she seemed to be in a frenzy of tears and embarresment. she sobbed some more, " I WANT TO FUCKING DIEEEEE" i starred at her as she made a dick of herself. 


to be continued

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